WILD : opened or closed eyes ?

Thanks in advance for your answer, hope you’ll tell me from your experience. It’s not written in Laberge last edited book and in the guide. ^^ ( sorry if you managed to find another topic with the answer )

Eyes closed

keep your eyes closed. That way you can visualize the dream through your mind without the distraction of your physical view.

Thanks a lot ! Any other advice for my first WILDs attempts maybe ?

I’m gonna try them after 4h30 - 6h hours of sleep, theni’ll just shut the clock off, then relax and make visualisation/counting with closed eyes. Everything’s right ? :razz:

You probably already read the wild guide but if not

The trick is to stay calm both physically and mentally but also stay aware so you don’t fall asleep instead.

Shall i continue making focus exercise when reaching the hypnagogic state or should i just focus on the apearing images please ?
Thanks again.

When you reach the hypnagogic state, you should try and focous on what is appearing and make yourself drift into the dream. This will take practice, you really have to do what works for you.