Well, the other day i simply woke up in the middle of the night, i dont really know why. when i woke up i thought about reading ld4all forums and stuff, but i knew i was to tired to even try and i just thought that if im tired enough to just fall asleep as soon as i close my eyes i should just try WILD, so i said to myself “in 2 minutes, i will realize i am dreaming” two or three times and then i closed my eyes.
Then what seemed like 30 seconds after, i remembered i had to realize im dreaming and i just felt weird. it didnt feel like i was awake, nor like i was asleep, i just felt as i were not entirely “there” and i did not see any HI or anything.
so i tried to open my eyes, then it felt weird again. i remember feeling my real eyes and my minds eyes at the same time
so i tried rolling over, and with a little “physical” effort, i was in a lucid dream. In it i just started thinking what should i do in my lucid dream, and then it faded and i woke up.
i then did the same technique again; “in 2 minutes, i will realize im dreaming” and then i was in another lucid dream again, but before it i remember a quick HI in which i woke up opening a laptop on my night stand (i dont even have a laptop) and then the mouse didnt work, so the “dream” faded and i falsely woke up (it was still dreaming) and i saw that my laptop’s mouse wasnt even connected, and i found really cool that in my dream my mouse wasnt working when it wasnt connected IRL (again, im dreaming), then i went to sleep (in my dream) and had a lucid dream, which was longer than the last one, but then it faded again and i woke up for real.
i then thought i was trying to think too much in my lucid dreams, and then did my 2 minutes technique again and fell asleep, and it worked, again.
now i was in a third lucid dream and i decided to do something instead of thinking too much so i started to fly. the sight was really beautiful, there was skyscrapers everywhere and i was flying really well and doing flight acrobatics like in the movies.
i ended up landing and going to my school talking to some girl i knew and some other stuff. the dream lasted a long time, and i was lucid almost all the time, sometimes i deliberately decided to let myself in the dream, but i was still lucid.

So is this a WILD or a DEILD (chaining)? since i did open my eyes and move at first, but i felt very tired, and is there a way i could wake up being that tired again, so i can do the 2 minutes trick?

I would like doing it again since it was great and i had the opportunity to try again if i failed to LD.

edit: wow, this is a really long post xD sorry if it isnt really clear, english is my second language

I got a clock set, alarm goes off for 2 minutes then stops, me going to try DEILD.

Congrats on your results! Sounded pretty confusing (not for the english, the english was fine :wink: just lots of FA’s) and that’sw good :happy:

I’d say the first time you entered a dream it might have been a WILD and the ones after, if you didn’t move between them, were DEILD. (anyway, DEILD is a type of WILD, so… :tongue: )

I find autosuggestion is a god thing to make you wake up at a specific time. About waking up and being tired I’m not sure… maybe you can try to wake up at different times? or maybe include the “still feeling tired” to your autosuggestion.

Thanks mattias, and for the confusing part, id say even I were confused when i woke up as i did not know when i was sleeping or not ^^

This night i woke up at 5:00 again but it did not feel like this last time were i would fall asleep when i want to so i couldnt do the 2 minutes technique didnt work, i will try again this night