Well I am having some trouble picking my…tecnique. I can’t set my alarm to wake up because then i would wake my brother so i cant get up in the middle of the night to do any WILD or MILD but those are the only 2 i feel would work for me. I have been doing this for about 1 year now but i took a long hiatus. I was wondering if there was any combo of WILD and MILD where i did not have to wake up. Like i was thinking about LeBerge’s origional variation of miold where i just declare before sleeping that i was going to LD then Wild myself to sleep. But then how would I wake?? i know this is really confusing for you to read but if you have any questions i would love to clarify.

You can try a more silent alarm, perhaps a digital watch? You can wear it and hold it close to your ear while sleeping. An alternative is to set your intention to wake yourself in the middle of the night, just like you set your intention to become lucid or remember your dreams.

For me it works wonders. I used to already wake up every now and then during the night anyway, but as of late, when I want to, I always wake up after about 7 hours of sleep, and can fall asleep again within a minute or so.

I use my mobile phone as an alarm and place it next to my pillow, so it doesn’t wake anyone else up.

You could also drink 1 or 2 glasses of water befor you go to bed. then you will normaly wake up early because of the need to go.
( I heard that this was an old American indian trick )

If you set your intentions to wake up in the middle of the night, (doing this more than once of course) your biological clock will set it. Or so I hear. Maybe another good thing to try is to figure out your sleeping stages by goign to bed and waking up at different times, seeing whats best for you, and see when you are in your stage of deepest sleep, and when you are in your lightest sleep, therefor you can set your alarm to when you are in the lightest of sleep and you can wake up immediantly. Instead of having your alarm go off when in the deepest of sleep…wich is very hard to wake up from.

Do I even make sense :eh: …if not, i’ll try to answer it in a more intelligent way.

EDIT: Wow I was very tired when I wrote this…eh…Maybe my sleep stage technique isn’t that great for alarm problems… Sorry >.< Slaps herself a billion times :tongue:

WBTB will greatly enhance your chances of having a LD but you don’t need absolutely to have a WBTB when you practice MILD/autosuggestion. You can do MILD/autosuggestion when going to bed. With WILD, it’s more dubious but you can try too.

Yet if you absolutely want to WBTB without an alarm, then the drinking water tip is efficient. :smile: