Hey everyone! I tried the WBTB method and I managed to get into SP. Unfortunately, I started hearing noises (no imagery) and a high, cold laugh and then I tried to fall off my bed (stupid, I know) and I saw an image of me falling off my bed. I thought it was a dream and repeated that to myself BEFORE I saw the image of me falling. Can anyone tell me what this was? Was it close to a WILD? WAS this a WILD?
I’m personally not an expert at WILD…but im pretty sure this was not a WILD. Sounds more like extensive HI.
It is hard to say for sure but it sounds like you were very close at least. It definitely sounds like you experienced HI, hypnotic sounds, passably even hypnotic hallucinations.
Just a thought: Next time don’t try to do anything to enter the dream. Just continue to block out your thoughts except what you are focusing on and allow yourself to be pulled into the dream.
You are getting close.
You my friend, were very close to having a WILD. When I do a WILD I love to hear the hypnagoic sounds becuase it’s pretty much a cue that I’m entering a WILD.
Everything you experienced is 100% normal in my experiences at least, but I’m no expert. When I go into SP I hear the same things you described, just do not let it get to you. It can be a bit uneasy at first and possibly frightening but just try your best to stay in SP. Don’t pay too much attention to the HS or HI but make sure you’re aware of it. I even get a sensation that I’m falling in some of my SP episodes, but I never wake up from them.
Here’s what happens to me when I have a successful WILD. I’ll be laying there in SP and all of a sudden the noises would come to a crescendo then a sudden stop, I’d suddenly be unaware of SP or my self sleeping.
Now, all my WILD’s have resulted in false awakenings or me being awoken from sleep which is very very weird if you ask me but nothing to worry about. I’d be in a black void and then I’d open my eyes… after I open my eyes I sorta know I’m dreaming, I do an RC and bam, I go and dream.
Just make sure when you are in SP you repeat to your self that you are infact dreaming. Repeat this, “1. I am dreaming. 2. I am dreaming. 3. I am dreaming. etc.” This will ensure you become lucid when you enter your dream state. Failure to comply with above rule will result in what I call a WIND, or a Wake Induced Normal Dream and it totally sucks.
This post is from my own experiences so some other peoples descriptions may differ from my own but in the end it’s still pretty similar.
Ok, thanks guys! Garlic, I’ll I try to get into SP again. I’ll make sure to do what you said. Thanks!