WILD or not

ok this morning i tried to go to sleep but my girlfriend kept twitching in her sleep and it kept me awake i laid there still for about 1 hour and a half then i felt the vibrations like when i do a wild so to thought ill just try for a wild if i cant fall asleep any other way it started at my feet like it always does then ill get a rush of vibration that happend for a few minutes and i focused on the vibration and got my hole body to that point but it felt different it felt like everything was vibrating at the same speed it was odd and this time more intense and i got ready for the feeling of falling out of my body into a dream like i usually get when i have a wild but it didn’t happen so i opened my eyes and saw a little dog walking around the end of my bed i thought how odd i how did a dog get in here that’s when i realized that i couldn’t move i knew what it was i was in sleep paralysis and my mind was going through rem when my eyes were open and i was awake so i thought i would try for and astral projection because from what i have read you want to get to this vibrating state so you can have one so i closed my eyes and imaged my arms grabbing a rope and pulling my self out of my body if felt like it was working then things god odder when i started coming out of my body i heard a high pitched screech lots of static and what sounded like millions of ppl talking just out of range of being able to understand them that kind of starlted me so i opend my eyes and say the dog wasnt there but a chipmunk was and then this blue little mupet baby looking thing popped his head up at the end of the bed and started to open and close its mouth and at that point i heard amasingly loud laghter i even started to laugh but didnt know why but i did know i was gettin pissed cuz i couldnt get up i tried one more time and got my head to shake and that snaped me out of it and after all of it i was kind of sick to my stomeck

i just want to know if any one has any incite if it was more the sleep paralysis or just any in put and sorry about the loooooooooong run on sentence but i wanted to get it all out before i forgot anything

I think you were a step away from a WILD! I think it was only a matter of separating your dream body from your paralysed physical one. One trick is to imagine your body is rotating around a vertical axis that goes through your navel, so you end up with your head at your feet. Another method is to imagine you’re in the living room (or any other place). Imagine this as vividly as possible, touch walls listen to sounds and breathe in the air. Good luck :smile: