And being, even a scientist, Dr. LaBerge believes (has said) that our waking reality is just another dream, another dream in which we are all connected, at the same level of consciousness. Sharing the view with the Tibetian Monks, that all dreams, OOBEs, and waking consciousness experiances are just hallucinations, i.e. dreams. Today, the science of quantum physics supports these ideas. We, live in a hallowgraphic matrix in which every partical also acts as a wave.
Don’t worry if you do not see your body. They say that your experiance in the astral planes has a lot to do with your “vibrational energy”. The higher your energy vibration, the higher the plane you experience. Also, I think it’s your etheral body, they call it that is most closest to your physical body’s vibrations. Maybe someone who has undergone an OOBE and no longer sees things as they would be in reality, and wants too, or maybe even a DILD, might try to will themselves to experience things at that level. Each night that you dream, you undergo some type of OOBE, I think weather consciously or not. It’s a matter of taking your conscious self with you or finding your conscious self after you have left your body, in a dream.
Two Dream Induced OOBEs:
First one, lucid dream induced, my first OOBE. After a long war drama dream in which a friend and I killed another friend at the top of this building in NY. This made me very upset, crazy, crazy, I saw my dead friend and thought he was a ghoust. The window was right there, and I was just going to end all the madness. For one moment I thought it might be a dream. But my emotions were so incredibly intense with this guilt and I was was just going to jump, either way… So I ran and jumped towards the window and noticed that I jumped much higher than I really could. (This is a great reality check for me, for in my dreams this always happens when I jump. and I jump really high and it feels like a rollercoaster coming down.) So I crashed through the widow and became totally lucid, but still so down with my emotions I just wanted to fall, and fall and fall I did, until I came five feet from the ground, I stopped myself in mid air. I turned and waived to my friend who was at the top of the tall building somewhere. Then something crazy happened in an instant. In a lucid dream I have always been able to control my actions and have never had such an uncontrolable force on my body before. like a bouncing ball, I was rocketed up into the air at such a speed. I just new that i was going to leave my body, it wasn’t even up to me. It felt so unbeleaveably natural as i twisted out and went threw this black dark vourtex that had a sortof grid type lining of energy to it. There was nothing… Peacefulness, nothing. Shocked by the experience I woke up.
The second, non lucidity induced, false awakenings, OOBE:
A week later I wake up in my bed and the clock says 3:30 or so and think how nice it would be to have another OOBE. But being, too lazy, I fall back to sleep. I then woke up in my bed from when I was a kid. I woke up in my parents bed. I woke up in my old bed back in Portland. I then woke up in this huge bed in a huge loft type very high ceiling atmosphere. I thought that I would then try to have an OOBE. I was not lucid. I went threw all the steps and projected. This is where people would say that it was a dream and not an OOBE. I would say this too, except what happened was I left my body by floating out of it. The ceiling was so high. But I was restricted, I could go about 3 feet above my body. I could see the dream bedroom’s ceiling and it was far above me, but I could crawl accross this invisible ceiling until I hit another invisible barier and had to puch my way threw it. and threw it I was out of the building onto the streets, in a more dreamlike enviroment. After I woke up, the clock said about 2:10, the first awakening was accually false too. I sleep in this cave type structure that I built in my studio so i could have a bed away from window morning light, under my desk. Some say that you can pass threw walls and stuf in the astral, but you have to push a little harder due to the thick vibrations. I think it was this stucture that hindered the movement of my astral body, as I was percieving this dream world. Of course, after I projected, I became lucid.
I think that the “hallucinations” in some OOBEs may be a result of being in REM, or more of a dream state. I imagine using the WBTB method for astral projection will produce an experience more typical to a lucid dream, rather than the steriotypical OOBE.