WILD pain?

I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to try and slip into WILD and I was almost there, but when feeling the jolts/trembles of the oncoming SP i was hit was a sharp pain in my side. I tried to ignore it but it wouldnt stop until I repositioned myself and ultimately lost entry. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I’ve succeeded in WILD on a couple of occassions, and although the tingling may be a bit freaky, it never came with any pain. I hope this doesn’t frighten me out of my next opportunity.

I’ve only experienced some feeling that might be a mix of roller-coaster or free-fall-like feeling and electric-like feeling, that gets so intensive that i almost couldnt stand, but i never feel local pain anywhere… That might really been something physical pain like a little piece of a crumb or something in your bed, or some itching… especially, if you’ve felt this when “waking up” again from WILD and before repositioning yourself…
I don’t think you should get any conclusions of it if it have only happened once, try again, don’t worry :wink:
Best Wishes!

RobotFrank, nope i never had that, hope it was incidental for you and it wont repeat itself!
Dont let it frighten you, go for it! :smile:

Did you eat heavy maybe? Or drunk some co2 soda?
Could also be a musle.

I don’t think I consumed anything out of the ordinary, and i tend to avoid carbonated beverages, not a big fan. I have gone through SP again since this occurance w/o experiencing a repeat of this problem. I really have no idea what could have caused it. It was a very concentrated, sharp pain in my side. i dont believe it was muscle related, and it could not of been anything in my bed because there was nothing touching that part of my body. I sleep on my stomach with my arms under the pillow and the pain was under my arms, on the side of my ribcage. it felt almost like being poked with a pencil and the pain only came with the onset of SP, if i did not allow it to continue, the pain would stop. only when allowing myself to succumb would the pain persist. very strange. it certainly wasn’t imagined. i’m pretty sure it was just a freak occurrance.

Cant you try on your back? :neutral:

Sweetheart, try telling me the word ‘WILD’ after midnight, and I am going to attempt suicide… I have experienced similar phenomena in which I heard incredibly loud sounds (like SPLASHHHH) and a weird sensation in the ears. WILD doesn’t work for me not even 1%.

I really am driven to the conclusion that some people have a talent/genetic tendency to master the WILD technique while others (OF COURSE including me) can only have wild (literally) nightmares…

definitely not. i’m the sort of sleeper that can only fall asleep under exact circumstances, ie. in a bed, on my stomach. i cannot sleep on my back, my side, in a chair, in a moving vehicle, ect. sometimes ill wake up and be on my side, but that’s different. oh well…

This really got me too. I can deal with the vibrations and what not but it’s the HS that really got me. The sounds I heard when I had my SP really really freaked me out. I suggest you sleep on your arm or with your ear relativly close to your body.

You’ll hear your blood flowing through your body and your organs doing what organs do and it’s actually quite soothing to me.

It’s a lot better then those high pitched noises that I hear every time I have an unprovoked SP attack.

I have yet to endure a full WILD though. I went through the SP and HS for what seemed like an hour but I just could not get it done.

What happened to me is I had the vibrations and what not, but instead of having a pain, I had a major ‘discomfort’ that forced me to reposistion my body and thus ruining my WILD and all attempts later that night. I was so close too.

See, I sleep on my stomach/side and with 4 pillows. Well, I was laying there and I wake up. I decide to try a WILD because I hear thats the best time to try them. Well HI and SP come almost immeadiatly and I’m on my side having a hell of an experience. The only problem is I’m sleeping on my pillow making a major discomfort in my side and the SP faded away. As soon as I could control my limbs I yanked the pillow out from under my side, threw it, reposistioned my body, and tried to go back to where I was… it was a failed attempt.

I’ll try again tonight.

i can only goto sleep on my back

its painful on the neck on my front.

I have had a problem, but not very often, where I feel a lot of pain somewhere, and usually when I wake up fully (because it’s causing bugging me so much pain). Then I realize it just a minor discomfort, but for some reason felt alot worse when just waking up. I don’t know if this is the same thing you are feeling. But if it is, it is not common with wild(atleast not with me). With the 3 wilds I have had, I have not had this problem.