[WILD] "physical" side-FX: real or hallucinatory?

After having read these posts by Mikk and MissEvil concerning heartbeat racing during WILD, I remember that I’ve had many times the feeling that some WILD side effects that generally people describe as real and annoying, could be hallucinatory sensations. I include in these “physical” side effects: heart racing, eyes opening (I’ve had many times when trying to WILD that I unconsciously opened my eyes, but when verifying by opening them for true, they were closed indeed) and slowing down of breathing. There could be other annoying “physical” sensations, but I don’t remember them yet.

Of course, I don’t speak about known HH, like curious sounds, floating feeling, etc. Just about things that everybody is convinced to be truly physical.

I would like to know what is your experience about these sensations, if you notice something curious about them, if you noticed that they were real or hallucinatory, etc.

I sometimes have the feeling that my eyes are moving side to side slowly. I know that they do move like that in some stages of sleep. But I don’t feel like i’m asleep then. And also, would I feel it if i were?
I have experienced the slowing of breath, or rather the breath getting more shallow and it’s really close to sleep. I can actually get into deep states by promoting this shallow breathing, But I don’t like it.

Tryed this for some hours ago, after a while i feel the body becoming like a soft rock, and i hear some sounds… nothing special. And when i open my eyes, everything is floating. Really a good feeling in my opinion :smile: I try to just watch out in my room as i use WILD, really a peacefull experience, in the beginning i may grasp for air… but that soon ends after a while.

When practicing OBE’s (which I see as related to WILD), I’ve gotten vibrations to the point of a whole body spasm. These were big vibrations… This occur’d in real life and caused me to awaken. :cry:

I feel this feeling down my spine that I can’t stand when I use WILD. You know what it’s like when you hit your funny bone? Yep. It’s like that feeling shooting down my spine. It’s horrible!

Hey, I never thought of that. I had my heart race a few times, and I could have sworn it was real. No way to be sure, of course. It could very well be true.

I’ll collect some sentences about those phenomena as soon as I find them on the forum.

In this case, the “physical” sensation of eyes opening is wrong. I experienced this many times during my WILD attempts. As I said above, I had the feeling that my eyes were open but they weren’t. This feeling of eyes opening is very common among WILD beginners and they are convinced it happens for true.

^ I also get the opening of the eyes. I dont know whether its a figment of my imagination or real, but its definitely annoying. :neutral:

That is one of the problems with WILD, you want to relax, but your body/mind doesn’t want to let you. Lots of people have this problem. The same problem happens with begining meditationers (sp). They try to relax, but the body and mind doesn’t let them. With practice you can overcome this. Some people only need a little practice, and some people need a lot. I suspect that there is a crossover benefit from meditation, as I used to meditate and didn’t have too much trouble whit this when I started trying WILD. The feelings were familiar to me.

Could you verify it next time?

i remember once when i was trying WILD i was relaxing for a good 30 minutes and all of a sudden i felt as if my whole bed was shaking and was being spun around liek 50 miles an hour and it caused me to open my eyes and it was the craziest feeling i’ve ever encountered

@ b7ray84: Get past that and youll end up in a dream.

@Don20853: Don’t force yourself to be relaxed and think your body doesn’t want you to… you’re the one in controll. Don’t force your body either though… just ‘allow’ yourself to be comfortable and relaxed, and eventually fall asleep.

Nice topic this is by the way, my eyes open aswell when trying wild, like very shocky, as if i cant keep them closed.
Now i know this isn’t real but just a feeling, what should i do with it ?

Lol! I’m not so sure it’s unreal, I’m just asking people to verify and give their feedback or experience about such sensations. :wink: