WILD problem of a newbie

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

I was a ‘silent’ reader of this forum but now I’ve quite a problem and therefore I got the urge to register myself here.

Im interested in lucid dreaming since Im 16, I kept my dream diary - recieved some low LD’s and also a few good one, Im also quite good in remembering about any of my dreams.

Unfortunetly I lost my ‘connection’ to lucid dreams some weeks ago because I had much personal trouble in my life - so I really wasnt able to care about.

Now to my probelm:
Recently I’ve developed some kind of sleep disturbance, I belive the WILD technique is my problem - the exact problem is that I am able to do WILD but I cant control it. Which means I just lay down to sleep lets say at 1am - sometimes I still watch TV and just try to get some sleep afterwards.
Even if I dont want to dream lucid, Im concious while I fall asleep or lets say Im not asleep but I dream - suddenly I see pictures of some dream and I even can hear noises or feel things - but Im still concious and this feeling is that frightning that I just scare myself and just raise from my bed - it just lasts about some seconds and Im complete awake while my heartbeat increases drastic.
This routine can happend 3-4 times in a night and frankly sometimes I cant manage to get some sleep till 6am.

And from one of the other day I just can sleep normal but it comes back from day to day.
Can somebody help me, or is there somebody who got a similar problem once? :neutral:

thanks for your time :smile:

Hi Xeper, welcome to the forum!

Your problem is fear. Falling asleep consciously for some people can be a freightening experience (sounds, HI, creepy feelings etc). There is only one way to combat this, making yourself realize that there is absolutely nothing to fear in the whole process of falling asleep. Just think of it (if you would meditate, i’d say, meditate on it), what are you so afraid of? Watever you come up with, tell yourself “oh damn, that was nothing to really fear about”. Repeating a mantra before you sleep might be usefull too for a few minutes, something in the lines of “I will fall asleep, and it will be peaceful, there will be noting to fear”… or whetever you feel is good.

If you overcome this, think of the possibilities!! Hordes of people would envy your abilty to be able to fall asleep consciously seemingly so easy. If you can develop a change in attitude, if you can fall asleep without bothering yourself, you have a whole lot of very nice LD’s waiting for you! Good luck :smile:.

Thanks for your response Xetrov, well actually I even dont know why I manage to use WILD so easily - I even didnt try much, before that time I just used MILD and that worked sometimes for me - I never was a WILD user I just might played with the thought to try it once or twice.
Also the fact that I cannot decide when I do WILD (since it isnt my intention to use it) is a bit scary :eek:
I’d like to determine why I ‘use’ sometimes WILD and sometimes not,
I guess I’ll try to work a bit with it.