I have started trying WILD however I have hit a problem.
My throat tends to get dry and i need to swallow. I get to a point where my throat forces me to swallow be starting to swallow itself so i have to swallow fully however much i ignore it. (sorry if confusing)
This is causeing my to not be able to even try to WILD properley.
Any solutions.
I was experiencing problems with swallowing too, but all you have to do is to not concentrate on it, but just let yourself swallow naturally, wihtout noticing it. If you swallow naturally, you will not exit the WILD process. Howewer, if you think about swallowing, try to fight against it, you will wake up.
So i probably need more practise then.
This will be much easier for you if you lie on your belly with your arms under the pillow/near the pillow.
Tonight I’m going to try WILD again after a break last night.
I’m going to try it listening to White noise aswell.
I have that same problem and was just about to ask this very same question when i saw this. I try not to concentrate on it but after a couple of minutes it just becomes overbearingly impossible not to ignore it until im forced to swallow. I see what im doing wrong now and i’ll try again. thanks for the advice!
Getting better. I listened to white noise and i helped me concentrate.
My body kept going through phases when it felt very numb and tinkly at the same time, I don’t know if this was the beginnig of sd. However at that point i always thought OMG I’m nearly there and that made me lose concentration on the WILD techniqkue and bought me back to step one.
Oh well I’m getting there
Hey, I have a quick question for you. Are you trying to WILD right as you go to bed, or are you doing it later on after you have slept some?
I do it when I go to bed iknow It isn’t ideal however I can’t set an alarm becase I would wake others up and I have to get up at 6 every morning aswell.
Ok, well here’s something that you might want to try if you can’t use an alarm clock. When you go to bed, resolve to wake up at a certain time, or after you finish a dream. Tell yourself that you will wake up at 4 a.m. or something like that. Your brain is very good at doing things like this if you tell it to. Just give it a try, you’ve got nothing to lose.
Thanks I will try that tonight.
I have the easter break from school in 2 days time so I can focus on LDing more then without having to worry about affecting school work.
Another question, I have been reading about this
dreamviews.com/community/sho … hp?t=40861
In V-WILD do you look into the swirls when you close your eyes and try to actually see the object. Or do you think about the object.
oh, I find that V-WILD really cool. I think you’re supposed to visualize, that is, actually SEE the images. They get stronger as you enter the dream. SOme people like myself have poor to none at all visualization skills so it’s harder… But I’ve been able to do it by trying this tech at the exact time I’m falling asleep. When you’re at the border of awake/asleep, images form a lot easier
Tried the waking up at 4 think. It worked. I don’t know if that was luck though.
When I woke up I got up and did 10 press ups to wake myself up. However when I tried WILD I fell back to sleep. Earlier when i first went to bed i did V-WILD however I didn’t get as far as I ussually do with normal WILD. (I ussually get to the begining of sp ) I just fell asleep With V-WILD.
My target is to by the end of the easter break (3 weeks) to have had a decent Lucid dream.
I am going to achive this.
Tried again last night.
WILD didn’t work when i first went to bed. However in the middle of the night (around 2) I had what i think was a false awakening. I did the pinched nose rc and I realised i was dreaming. However as soon as I did this my vision became black and blured. I tried the rubbing my hands to gether and the “increase lucidity” thing however it didn’t work. i don’t remember any more.
I’m not sure what that is counted as.
thinking about it I’m not even 100% sure i was even dreaming (I might have done the rc wrong)
Oh well its progress.
There you go, that’s the right spirit. I’ll tell you from my own experience, maintaining the first few LD’s can be tough. As time goes on, however, you will learn to control your emotions and fears of the dream ending. I think for me it came when one day I started to get upset and said “I will NOT let this dream end.”
Tried WILD again last night however couldn’t find a comforatble position to lie. I put headphones in so i can listen to white noise. (I need to because my parents have the tv on so loud) However where ever I lie the earphones dig into my ear. When I finally got into a you repeat the mantra at the same time or do you just concentrate on painting the picture in your mind.
comfortable postion I just fell asleep. I didn’t even get sp the last 2 nights.
Another qu. When you V-WILD do you still repeat a mantra or do yhou just concentrate on painting the picture
When I’m WILDing and become aware of the fact I’m WILDing I feel like I need to swallow (still) however I can’t lie on my face as sugested because my nose hurts on the pillow, when i try to ignore it i can’y because i end up thinking about even more than before. (still the same problem as before gennerally)
for the headphones you could try these those wont dig as bad. but for swallowing you just have to lear to ignore it you could swallow but swallow with out thinking. for V-WILD i believe that you mostly think about where you want to be every little detail Ex. whos there, where, when, why, the colors, everything… first think of a person then around them, then what they are doing, then put your self into the picture. the mantra part is up to you if you fall asleep you’ll still get some MILD in also so that could help.