Wild Q's

Ok, this afternoon I tried to wild. I just woke up 2 hours later (without any dream recall.)

I dunno how long into it but i guess I was losing consciousness and woke up with a jolt and my hands were numb. I thought “cool.” But after a bit of waiting for hi or anything they really started to hurt like hell. I thought “wtf.” I then put them down by my sides as opposed to laying on my chest.

I have a few questions:

  1. Can that have been sleep paralaysis with numb hands, or does your whole body have to be numb?

  2. The jolt I felt, I feel from time to time when trying to wild, I heard from someone that its a good thing, I really don’t get what it is though? It seems to prevent me from going unconscious from time to time but it makes it hard to relax.

3.Hm… I thought I had more questions but I guess I don’t, lol… Hm… I Guess, How close am I to an ld if my hands go numb?

Hi, sorry that I don’t have the answer, I just wanna pop in a question of my own if that is ok.

  1. It is said that when trying to WILD, after the body has gone numb, you have to let all your thoughts go and focus on one thing… For example falling. Can I instead focus on me sitting on a swing, swinging from left to right…? I found it much easier, cause the bed can seem like your lying on a big swing, and it’s slowly winging you.

(I haven’t managed to get a WILD yet though, and I’m extremely afraid of SP)

DON’T BE AFRAID, I heard that is one of the top 5 things you can do wrong. Just enjoy it.

Hi Snowman…Welcome. :welcome: I don’t mean to be rude. But you should try the search bar and enter WILD. There are tons of threads and answers to questions I bet you’d like. :wink:

Hi Snowman, welcome to the forum!

I’ll try to answer your questions a bit…

  1. That was probably not SP, since in SP almost your whole body is paralysed.
  2. It’s just a jolt. I dont see how this could help you WILD if it prevents you from relaxing.
  3. Not very close yet. Numbness in certain body parts is just the beginning. Don’t let this set you back; you’re certainly on the right track though.

And to Lucretia88:
4) Sure, try it, it could work!

Thanks Xetrov for the reply! It seems like all I can get to turn numb are my hands… I’m probably just not relaxed enough I guess. Btw, I really like your technique about rolling to have a sort of obe, next time i am 1/2 awake I’m gonna try it.

Look Snowman what I found reading “Breakthrough!”


I’ve already read that guide and its not one of the more thorough ones I’ve read. Thanks though.

If you want to read a really good wild guide read this one:

that’s weird, I get my fingers numb, sometimes my hands, never my arms. My feet allways gets numb fastest and then my legs. The worst part is when I feel something is going to happen, and then suddenly my whole body is numb like hell, and I start feeling sensations in my body. Two things prevent me from getting any furthur from there:

I have to swallow my spit everytime something exciting happens, I think that sets me back since I’m not supposed to do shit.

My genitol can often start itching in the process, and sometimes it itches so bad that my whole body just jumps up and has to itch… That probably sets me back all the way to the start :sad:

Snowman, if you try my tech, let us know if you got anywhere with it! By the way, I just read that WILD tutorial on dreamviews, and its a very good one, I recommend anyone to read that (together with my tech ofcourse, which is an easier way for the transition than the traditional one :razz:)…

Lucretia88, if you have problems of that kind, try to find an even more comfortable position to WILD in, or do some techniques to become more relaxed. Just think of this; normally you fall asleep unaware and you never have those itches and stuff, with WILD all you need to do is stay aware … sounds easy, but can be pretty hard :smile:.

Haha now… I never said WILD sounded easy, wich was probably why I never even started with it at will. I thought like ‘‘whaa?’’ sounds too hard. But then I once got all the way through with w WILD UNINTENTIONALLY!!! So I figured this I have to do more… But one thing I’ve allways wondered, If ur gonna WILD after WBTB, should you still get out of bed for some time, cause it sounds waaay harder to WILD when your more awake… It take me a loooooooong time to fall a sleep :sad:

Personally I dont, I just wake up by myself, and when I feel that Im still very close to sleep, I’ll do my WILD tech (if I remember to…) Yet some people prefer to wake up a bit because they otherwise drop asleep too fast. You just have to figure out what fits you best.

I like the tutorial on WILD very much! thx snowman! :content:
I don’t think there’s much more I can add now…
try to concentrate on your body parts that don’t go so numb. skip the numbing part.
observe the black vision, you’ll prolly HI sooner than you think. and you’ll prolly be HI’ing without realizing it! :content:
the transition and maintaining focus part are the hardest ones for me!
also go check YOG NIDRA - www.meditationiseasy.com
is has a muscle relaxation technique pretty effective! :content:
good luck