All right, after reading quite a bit on the topic and having been working on recall and RC for a bit now, I decided to at least try out the WILD method. Since I meditate from time, honestly WILD is pretty familiar sounding to me. So instead of meditating today, I decided to press it a bit further and see how far I could get into the WILD state. Now comes the question portion. During my experiment, my limbs sort of began to feel nice and heavy, almost as if they had fallen asleep, which I suspect as the beginnings of sleep paralysis. Is this accurate? Also, I saw some colors and shapes, but they kind of drifted in and out of my vision on an infrequent basis. I did kind of start to sense the beginning of some vibrations, so am I am the right track here?
yes definately now all you have to do is continue furthur with the HI untill you enter a dream, and before you know it you will be lucid .
If I understand you right. No. Don’t be disappointed because you are making good progress. This is the onset of deep relaxation. Believe me when you hit SP you will know it. You won’t have to ask. That’s assuming that you do hit SP. Many people who WILD say they never go into SP. They just follow HI right into a dream. So don’t get hung up on the symptoms of WILD. Be aware of them so they don’t scare you but, don’t “wait” for them to happen either.
Most definitely. Sounds like the beginning of HI. You just need to learn to let go a little more. Remember you don’t keep the same level of consciousness that you have right now reading this. You just want to maintain your awareness to one small thing. Let go of all other thoughts.
Keep practicing because you are getting closer.
Ive never been a big fan of WILD, doesnt work for me. But I find it eaiser to attempt at night instead of before REM hours. Does anybody have much success trying WILD at night?
Thanks for all of the feedback. I tried another WILD experiment today and have some questions associated with it. When mentioning that images float in front of your eyes, is it more of float in front of the mind’s eye? Because I got some pretty good vivid images and brief scenes, but it was more of mind’s eye approaching slowly towards my actual sight. Also, when observing the images, I took the approach of just kind of sitting back and making observations. Example: “Wow, that kind of looks like a smoke stack” or, in the case of scenes, “Interesting, that’s a medical ward.” Is that pretty much the stance I need to take when observing the HI? Once again, I appreciate all of your feedback.
Paradox, it’s the best not to react on the images… just let them flow by and watch without reacting on it… easier said than done.
Just flow with them… observe them… and try not to “think.” Just… relax and pretend nothing is happening even when youre hallunicating until you’re SURE that you’re in a dream otherwise it slows the wild progress or even backfires at you.
Hope that helps!