This morning I had a realllly weird WILD sensation and I just wanted to know what it really was … To my recollection I was just coming out of a LD and vaguely aware of my RL bed and bedroom, when I decided to try and go back into a LD again. Suddenly it felt as if a beach ball fit me in the face! … it even made the sound of a beach ball hitting me the face!!!
…that shocked me enough to wake myself up, very weird sensation… any ideas to what it is?
LOL! I’ve never heard of that… maybe it was something from the dream you were trying to get back into? The first (and most recent) time I tried WILD, my body was vibrating so strongly it almost hurt, and I could hear it (it was like hearing and feeling my bones shake) It was the strongest in my foot. It was really weird and I’m not sure if that’s normal. I’ll assume it is.
I have never had anything like that happen to me. I have had times where I would get a flash of HI that was so intense that it would jolt me awake but, I never felt like some thing actually hit me.
Sounds like you where in-between dreaming and waking state which can be a very confusing place to be. Most likely you just thought something hit you as you were waking up.
Haha, that’s why WILD can be the funnest and the scariest way to LD! Personally, I enjoy the HH and love to reflect on how weird/funny it was. A beach ball? Can’t say I’ve had that! LOL I’m sure I’d be shocked too, especially at the sound!!! But I’ve had things from feeling I was on a rollercoaster, floating in a container of liquid, to having the feeling that my hands were touching my feet and suddenly I was bent back and the back of my ankles were touching my head!
Your beach ball is just HH. I think there is a core of sensations for everyone, and your case is, well, just unique. Try not to let it bug you though. Next time just realize that it’s all in your head, and see if you can actually wake up in a dream. Good luck!
Actually looking back on it, it does seem pretty funny
Wow your sensations Skidzz do sound very unique lol … maybe its a sign of things I will have to look foward to. When I usually WILD I always seem to skip this HH/HI stage or the WILD just happens so fast it seems like I miss this stage, as more often then not I feel as if I’ve been sucked into the dream environment…which is cool
Thanks for your replies! It does seem logical that I was somewhere in-between dreaming and waking state, Milod789, but the feeling felt uncannily real lol …hopefully next time I don’t get too shocked, if it does occur again
lol wow a fireball! … that would scare the hell out of me…! And thanks for the information Basilus West … i had never read about hypnopompic hallucinations before, I think i’ll look into it more… guess you learn something new everyday