WILD question

You probably get a ton of these questions, but I really need some advice. Once i get ready to go to sleep at night like around 11pm i decide to do WILD. I do the breathe awareness and counting and get up to about 300. At this point i notice swirling shapes and stuff. If i try to focus on my eyelids i can see them really well, but my eyes have trouble staying closed. So should i just try to rest my eyeballs like i normally would while trying to go to sleep? Also when I WILD should i be in a position i normally fall asleep in or one that will keep me concious? The WBTB method seems like it would really increase my chances, but I have school and have to get as much sleep as possible. Im highly motivated to do this and i think im getting closer. Tell me what you think.

“So should i just try to rest my eyeballs like i normally would while trying to go to sleep?”
“The WBTB method seems like it would really increase my chances, but I have school and have to get as much sleep as possible”
You don’t have to get out of bed and stay up for 30 min. for WBTB if you don’t want to. You can wake up in REM and enter a dream right away. Or re-enter if you wake up from one.
And about the sleeping position, I’d say the most important thing is being comfortable.

Steve is right on all of those accounts.

To expand a bit:

You should, indeed, just rest your eyes. Try to make your body do the same sorts of things that it would if you were going to sleep normally; after all, your eyes don’t start to open themselves when you’re just trying to fall asleep as usual. This takes a bit of practice sometimes–a lot of beginning WILDers have reported similar problems–but you’ll get it down if you keep trying.

As far as sleeping positions go, a lot of people like to WILD while sleeping on their backs, but I personally can’t fall asleep this way (I have to be lying on my side). It differs from person to person; experiment and see what works for you. The position you normally sleep in is probably the best one.

I have school, too, but if I don’t have to stay up late in order to do my homework, I’ll often do WBTB in order to attempt a WILD. As Steve said, you don’t necessarily need to get up at all; I usually just roll over, turn off my computer alarm, and close my eyes again. If you’re worried about losing sleep, this is probably the best way to go.

Good luck! :content:

Thanks for the reply guys. Well heres what happened i set my alarm clock for 2am for the WBTB method and went to sleep at 10:24. Anyway i was woken up by my dog because he was having a seizure. So the time was now 12:20. I decided to try WILD. I was repeating i am lucid dreaming over and over again until i fell asleep. I didn’t notice any HI or stepping into the dream like you do when you WILD, but I was aware it was a dream as soon as i entered it. Did i perform WILD or was it just coincidence that i knew i was dreaming right away? I think my LD lasted only 20 minutes, then it just started to fade away. I tried bringing it back but it didn’t work. I also had trouble with flying and stuff in my dream, this was my first one so is it normal that I couldn’t really do anything? It was so weird though in the beginning of my dream i was driving my car and i wanted it to fly so it did, but i got that feeling in my stomach whenever i feel too high up on something. It was scary and at the same time felt so real. This is incredible, now i’ll actually be excited to go to bed :tongue:

“only 20 minutes”
20 minutes is very good. And it was only your first LD.
It is normal that you didn’t have a lot of control. You will learn to control things better as you get more experience.