WILD Question

I want to start LDing using WILD, I’ve had some spontaneous LDs before with no technique and I heard WILD is good for vivid long dreams but I’m concerned about one thing… how bad is SP

I’m very new to lucid dreaming and have never lucid dreamed. I have done a fairly good amount of research and from what I’ve heard, there are techniques to not falling into SP or stopping SP when it happens.

Here’s the one about avoiding sleep paralysis

Here’s the one about stopping sleep paralysis

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For me, sleep paralysis is not that common, I’ve only experienced it 5 times. Usually, when you’re really scared, the urge to go into conscious sleep suddenly disappears, so it’s really helpful to know how to get out of it.

The most sensible thing I’ve heard about it is both the simplest in its essence (but not always the easiest to implement) - you need to relax and disconnect from what’s going on. Basically, it’s like a normal dream - if you’re overwhelmed by the senses, looking, touching, smelling and listening to everything, it makes the dream all the more vivid. However, if you sit up in your sleep, and close your eyes for just a few seconds, settling down, you’re more likely to wake up. With sleep paralysis the algorithm is similar - if you can not move, then remember what it is, and try to stop taking it seriously, then close your eyes, and lie like that until you fall asleep again / until you wake up. Pressure on the chest or stifled breathing can prevent this from happening, creating a feeling of helplessness, but still, it is worth remembering that the scary images that are most often described by other people are not something that is guaranteed to happen. It all depends on your beliefs, and if you truly believe that in sleep paralysis you will, for example, hear beautiful music, then so be it!

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