I know what you mean when it comes to bad thoughts randomly coming to your head. Thing is HH don’t always happen in the process. Its just a possibility. Its all in your mind, so just try not to think too much or else it’ll wonder to the dark side to that voice.
And WILDs on your side is possible, but its claimed to be easier just laying on your back. I’m not practical WILD expert but its best not to try on your side, in my attempts I’ve gotten the most productivity on my back.
As for technique, I highly suggest NOT to do WILD. Start small. It’s like choosing a mountain to climb and your choice was Everest SiLD is pretty simple and effective. I’ve gotten vibrations from it on my first try. I highly recommend you follow that beginners tutorial thread.
Get the most out of your ND through this, then once you feel your done with everything in this thread its a pretty nice foundation I think. I’ve started to notice smaller details in my ND, they last longer now, and I remember them much better.
This is all my opinion though, so your entitled to yours if you feel so, or others