WILD questions

Does WILD have any positive/negative effects on the brain? Sometimes it feels so unnatural… any thoughts on the subject?

and a quick story: The other night I was having a LD, and wanted to go to New York for some reason. I figured I’d fly up really high in the air to find it and then getting there would be easy. Well, when I did that, the world became a map, dull and flat. I found New York right away but I couldn’t get back inside the map… I think maybe it’s because I’ve never actually been there before. My mind didn’t know what to create so I couldn’t break through… thoughts?

For me, it’s similar to meditation. It has positive effects… it enhances your concentration, remove your stress, etc. And it’s actually completely natural. It might not feel natural, but it is. :smile: No need to worry about it.

I think your experience with not being able to go to NY is similiar to mine when I try to float through walls or something, I don’t know how to construct the images so all I see is black and wake up. ? Then again if I’ve ever attempted to do so it was a desperate act to do something in my LD before I woke up, and so I was waking up in the first place. Maybe I’ll be alright when I stabilize it more next time.

As for NY… you should be able to construct an image based on images seen on the internet or movies. Surely you know the general layout of Times Square or have at least seen a pic? I kinda think 90% of our brain (we only use 10%…) is used to store tacit knowledge, stuff buried deep, which is why LD’s are so cool cause you have direct access to that!