1. What is the best time to WILD?
As others have said, after a few hours of sleep. You’ll want to have nice long REM periods, so it’s best to try it after at least 5-6 hours of sleep. It can be done with less, but it’s usually harder, as REM periods are shorter. Also, afternoon naps work, but I can never fall asleep in the middle of the day.
I’ve done it with 4 hours of sleep, 5-6 hours, and even 9+ hours (on especially lazy days when I don’t feel like getting out of bed).
2. I know I can dream during naps but is it possible to WILD?
You don’t usually sleep deeply during naps. REM onset is usually fast, if not near-instant. So not only is it possible to WILD, it might actually be easier than at any other time.
That is, IF you can actually fall asleep during the middle of the day. I couldn’t do that if my life depended on it. Unless I skipped an entire night beforehand, which sort of defeats the purpose.
3. Everytime I try to WILD almost every day, i never get farther than starting to count, i always wake up the next day and relise i got nowhere, again :`(
I know the feeling. It means that you were too tired and didn’t wake yourself up enough to WILD. What I do before a WILD is write down my dreams that I had up till that point. That usually takes me around 15 minutes, by which time my mind is pretty awake. Also, I often go to the bathroom, especially if I don’t have any dreams yet.
This is one of the hardest parts of WILD for me. It’s delicate. If I’m not awake enough, I will simply fall asleep, like you. If I’m too awake, I’ll be counting to 500 and still not be in a dream. But if you can find the right balance, it’s fairly straightforward.
4 This one has been bothering me for a while now, when trying to WILD im always on my side. Should I be trying to WILD facing up? :???:
Lying on my back helps me focus. I usually do that if I feel that I’m not awake enough.
Lying on my side makes it easier to fall asleep. It can help if I’m “too awake”, but not always.
I don’t know about those scientific studies that say that LD’s are more likely when you’re sleeping on your right side, but I’ve done WILD on all sides, so far, so it’s definitely possible. Just do what is most comfortable for you.