So i have attempted WILD 3 out of the 4 last nights, and the nights i tried WILD and failed all my AS went to waste it seems. Didn’t even remember my dreams when i woke up, but the night i didnt use WILD i could remember my dreams.
Are you using AS to increase your DR or to get LD’s?
If you are doing that for dream recall, I would advise you to just have a dream journal. It’s more simple than doing autosuggestion every night as that can be exhausting. When you have a dream journal the dream recall will increase naturally in a few days.
If you are using mantras to induce lucid dreams, in other words, practicing MILD, you should know, that it’s not necessary to do it alongside with WILD, especially if that causes problems.
I personally do MILD when I go to sleep in the evening and do WILD when I wake up after 4-6 hours of sleep.
I have been working on a 90-Day MILD practice, and when I interrupt my sleep with a WILD attempt, it doesn’t really help my MILD practice and I usually fail the WILD.
I would say focus on one and get that practice down first.