WILD Scary moment

Lastnight I was trying WILD and I think I almost reached an LD. The thing is though when I was doing it I heard a noise. Sounded like someone grunting. It really scared me because I was calm. Then I went back to MILD. Maybe some help Thanks.

Hello Bright_Eyes_Rocks!

The same thing happened to me my last WILD! It’s extremely loud, isn’ it? (mine sounds like a strong metal scratching other metal)

But do not be afraid, it’s normal! Whn WILDing you can experience this, a falling down/ dizzy sensation, HI, vibrations (like eletricity running your body)…
Every night when you fall sleep you experience this, it’s the sleep paralysis process, but when you fall asleep you are not concious to feel it, but when you’re WILing you ara concious!

I’ve heard random sounds like that for years, and I never try to WILD (pretty pointless when you’re just going to bed IMO). They are always short and loud, like gunshots but always different sounds. You can just tell they aren’t real because it doesn’t feel like they came in your ears. Sometimes quite startling but nothing to worry about.

hey bright_eyes_rocks, you get used to it after a while, usually now, when i do WILD, or am just bout to go to sleep, at least 90% of the time, i hear my mom screaming in my ear. it used to freak me out, but now i go with it, i get secretly excited coz i know im bout to dream :tongue:

oh, one time i had one, how i heard i rhino start charging towards me, and i felt the room shake. little to realistic :wink:

Funny you should mention your mom screaming at you, MadeDCMA, because I usually hear voices when I’m about to fall asleep, not noises. The most common one is my dad calling my name, I think. Kinda like he’s pissed and wants me to do some chore. Very sudden and loud. Sometimes when I’ve been halfasleep, that scream has woken me up.

And you can totally tell the difference between the WILD sounds and the real ones, because like someone said, they don’t sound like they come in your ear. They sort of just ARE in your head.

hey mickis :wave: yeah usually for me its voices that go off in my head, rather than noises. one time because off all the voices, i had a FA after an LD where i was lying in my bed awake, and suddenly i heard my mom scream so loud, and footsteps running for my room :eek: creepy.

and yeah i totally identify with how u phrased it " they are just inside your head" usually when i hear the voices, its like in the very centre of my head, sometimes kinda throbbing, if that makes sense. :tongue: