From all the different methods or moments of getting Lucid in a Dream i have tried (MILD, DILD or WBTB)i find the WILD technique still the most disturbing.
The three forementioned techniques are quite effective and it simply happens (or it doesn´t). In the dream itself there is usually a short moment of confusion when you become aware that it is a dream, but overall nothing to hot.
With WILD (going directly from an awake state into the dream) i find this highly different.
While concentrating on the Hypnagogic Imagery it usually begins for me with subtle movements of the body, like i am on a a sledge and then thing subtly moves.
It is a very common sensation so i can take it as a first step so i know things are working (and also as a reminder to stay focused)
Shortly after that i begin to hear this weird noises, like scratching or metal sounds wich get very loud, to an almost deafening level.
When i began with WILD i usually jolted awake (and it still happens sometimes nowadays) and its hard to keep up concentration and the pulse down so you wont get more awake during that state for me.
Usually the accompanying imagery is a spiral or some other rotating object.
In this timeless state suddenly all noise stops (either you just woke up or you´re on the next stage. just stay calm )
If the rotation still persists or you feel movement in your body, thats a good sign.
And then quite suddenly the darkness behind my eyelids breaks apart and is replaced by the dream.
A very sudden change that seems to take less than a second, like clouds clearing up a the sky.
WILD works for my quite well, but i find the sensations during the preperation quite weird.
What are your experiences with the WILD technique?
Have you found any way to reduce these things and still get lucid successfully?
I don’t find it disturbing at all. Just an hour ago I suceeded in WILD but woke myself up once I was lucid. I dont count or anything, I just relax and wait. Then I feel everything go numb like pins and needles, roaring in my ears and my body feels like its shaking. Last night I heard geese and other birds chirping in my ears. Then I felt my legs raising, floating moving without me. Then it all just stops and I’m left in the darkness knowing I’m asleep, so I open my eyes and Ta Da! Though last night they refused to open O_o;. I don’t really get HI much, and when I do its usually faces and images from various horror films I’ve seen. They used to disturb me and snap me awake, now I just ignore them.
I’m a natural WILDer but at the same time I’m often unable to get one ‘unnaturally’. I’ve tried forcing WILD with techniques and gotten the first WILD symptoms (noise in ears, pressure on body) but it never works because I either feel like I’m choking and startle awake, or I just fall asleep normally. T_T;
When I get a ‘natural’ WILD, it’s usually because I’m really tired and my body falls asleep faster than my mind does. It also happens in mornings when I’m sleeping in; when I’m already more aware, but my body drifts back to sleep. It hasn’t happened in a while, though.
I experience the noise, first. It’s thundering, deafening, often high pitches noises that also seem to play a weird melody with false notes. I don’t really get HI. I feel increasing pressure on my body, it starts to feel like I’m choking. The noise in my ears gets louder and louder. Then, I feel like I’m falling, like I’m being sucked down into a tunnel. Falling, falling, and then poof I’m inside a dream and all the scenery is there. Sometimes images are already flying past as I’m falling. At the beginning part of the WILD I’m still lucid, but it may fade as I get pulled into the dream.
I also often have/had WILD combined with FA’s and waking up and falling asleep again… that’s when I’m really tired AND I’ve had a restless sleep. ^^ Doesn’t happen much lately.
Ive been trying WILD for a few weeks now and i have to say it is a scary thing to do, i mean your so used to sleeping nice and quiet always going gently to sleep then you find out that its quite a noisy lound mvoing process.
I think all about just getting used to it, whatever you experience you need to experience it and get used to it and controll it. I am pretty sure my last LD was from my WILD but i did it during my normal sleep not REM so it felt like i was asleep for ages but when my dream came to i was lucid instantly. Yet during this WILD i never experienced the vibrations or SP or noise for that matter, yet i have done on difference occations with no LD’s
sometimes when i WILD i feel like i suddenly drop like on a rollercoster which normally made me jump but now i don’t jump and go with the sinking feeling … which is quite nice really
my pet peev with WILD it i get really hot or an itch i want to scratch lol and sometimes it gets the better of me and i have to start again
only ways you can combat these things if you are relaxed comfotable and calm or give it a good scratch
Yeah, trying WILD at the beginning of you sleep cycle is usually a waste of time, but in combination with WBTB its worth gold.
If only it weren´t such a loud technique!
I haven’t been trying to WILD for a good while. Only halfassed semiattempts, Yesterday it happened on it’s own.
So I am lying in bed, and I see my street, and iam there and i have a parachute like thing that get’s caught in rising steam, I didn’y hink much of it until I felt the sensation of flying from it, and then it started spinning from the parachute. I was like on the end of the string and it went faster and faster. I think that I may make it into a dream. Although I couldn’t see any more. But white light flashed once. Then I felt my mouth was open and just had to close it, wich woke me up. then this episode repeats itself. I did make it to a very vague dream that lasted only seconds.
I was excited because WILD has previously been very uncomfortable and mentally disturbing. But just spinning was comfortable.
Feeling like you aren’t breathing is a bit disconcerning. And feeling like you are disaperaring is scary, like fading away. Actually it’s halfway comforting, I guess i’m not used to it, wich causes a little panic.