WILD skurred me.



One Problem i sometimes have when trying to WILD:

Ill get real relaxed and HI starts, sometime with and without sp, and then i will get an itch on my nose or cheek.

Its not as though it is one of those itches that u can just put at the back of your mind and ignore either, it is an ‘if i dont scratch it within the next 2 seconds im gonna go insane’ type of itch :cool_laugh: '. Then i have to move and wake up.

Anyone else get this frustration, or is this just my own personal annoying version of the vibrations

Cheers milod… cleared up something i wasnt sure on.

Happens often to me (and I’m pretty sure to many others).

Once I very nearly WILDed. After a while my feet felt really cold and my arm downwards were numb. I then felt like I had something mvoing around inside me, by my upper adomn. It felt so weird that I was starrled awake.

I have HI, but not geometrical shapes. I usually see faces or short 2 second dream scenes, in which I relize I am starting to dream and I awake again.

I have, however, been disturbed during the night, and relized I am just about to wake. I try to pull myself back into the dream.

I’ve often had involuntarily WILDs when I had trouble getting to sleep, or would wake up at night and try to get back to sleep. I’d go instantly into SP and REM, very frightening. Have been trying to get it under control to really WILD (because I’d be to afraid to let go and try to break out of it by moving my muscles), and last weekend with the help of WBTB I actually had a WILD.

The frightening stuff actually came in the LD itself. I found myself in my darkened bedroom (I believe that’s rather normal for WILD to start in the place you went to sleep)… but something was very spooky about it. That was strange, because I was lucid, knew it was a dream and I was still scared. My body kept disobeying me, walking whilst I told it to stand still. Ever since then my old fear of the dark has popped up again at night.

You see, I see a lot of people talking about how to get WILDs, but never about the effects of WILDing on the content of your LD. I’ve never been afraid in an LD before. This is discouraging me from trying WILD again…

The night after I had a nightmare where I kept being swallowed by darkness whilst lying in my bed, it was pulling me down, whilst I wanted to stretch up to the light above. I couldn’t. I was near lucidity, but not fully. :\ I don’t like this at all.

So I started to read the chapter on Nightmares in EWLD, but it only scared me more!! :sad:

Wow, I never knew people had frightening experiences using the WILD method. For me, it is always the best type of ld experience I can get with everything being very vivid and running smoothly. But I seem to be oblivious to some of the dream stuff out there (like all the different forms of WILD) due to my lack of frequenting this forum.

I’d like to know if other people ever get this strange feeling… excuse me if this is a bit redundant to what has been discussed in this thread.

Usually about an hour into WILD(I fall asleep very slowly)as I am observing the blackness under my closed eyelids, I get a sudden moment of clarity, like the darkness suddenly takes on the characteristic of depth. At this point it seems like the dark becomes true absolute black, and I think I can pinpoint areas that are closer to me and further away, thus the perception of depth I experience. It is at this point that I become aware of another set of eyes within my closed set of WL eyelids(although I can still feel them). When I try to move my dream body I just end up moving my waking body. I never enter SP. I still take this as a sign, though, that I’m getting real close to entering a dream.

Also, I have noticed that I never truly “see” HI, but rather “feel” it in a certain way, like in my mind’s eye. I never feel any vibrations, but sometimes one big single jolt. Just thought maybe someone else can relate to what I am experiencing… and maybe people who have bypassed these sensations and entered a dream. Thanks, and happy dreaming! :happy:

EDIT: I meant to post this in the WILD sticky, but theres no way I can delete it now, so oh well… sorry… still would like a response. :shy:

From what you describe only this sounds familiar to me. I only see HI when I wake up from a frightening dream and literally see images floating in front of my eye for a second or two - images that I can still alter with my mind! It’s very weird. But when I start going to sleep, it’s like you say - I don’t see them with my eyes but more with my mind’s eye. It’s kind of like visualising things in your mind whilst you’re looking at other things with your eyes. I could be typing this and think of an appel, and see the apple in my mind… it’s kind of like that. :3

Also, the jolts, yes. I get a number of powerful, sometimes painful jolts (the sensation of pain of course, there’s no actual physical harm) that I feel are ‘pulling’ me into sleep and dreaming. I suppose it may be instant SP. It feels like I’m being sucked into a vortex. Can get pretty scary. I don’t have any vibrations. ^^

I found the only way I can enter a dream is to try and resist the urge to wake up and stop the pain (because sometimes I feel like I’m dying or my skull is being crushed or my brain’s going to implode…) is to let go, focus myself on a single thought and let it carry me through. It’s still difficult though.

I tried a WILD today after school when I was watchin Lois and Clark on TV. I noticed that I was about to go to sleep when I just for a second gave attention to what I saw. It was a guy eating something and glancing at me quickly in the middle of all the “eyelid thingies”. I got a little scared by the face so I was wide awake and realized it was a WILD. So I tried it again, this time my attempt was to make a WILD on purpose. I started seeing the shapes quite quickly and my hart started racing, my eyes wouldn’t stay still and images of people and objects flashed by among the eyelid thingies… and then my dad ruined it all by walking into the room

I WAS SO CLOSE!! :grrr: But I’m never going to try WILD at nights, it would freak me out to much :wiske:

I should put a sign on my door or something… damn

I haven’t LD’ed yet, but I am trying, and I also tried the WILD when going to sleep for the first time, I haven’t heard the noises or music, but I felt the vibrations so hard that it felt like the bed was shaking. and that woke me up. I have tried to stay in that state but I always wake up for nop reason. So I’m trying to just do RC’s through out the day, and just wait on an LD to come to me I guess.
BTW I try counting to get into that WILD state. and it works. (I just can’t stay in it) :grrr:
