I heard somewhere that there is a difference between a WILD and SP/OBE. I mean one can enter a dream without having to witness out of body experiences, like not having to have the total sleep paralysis. So is it true??? WILD and SP are different? One can induce a WILD without total SP?
it has happened to me that i get to a dream using WILD without sp and when i try to move i move my realbody, and the dream fades quickly
SO sp is require to have a lucid dream, its just that some techniques focus more or less on it, sleep paralysis is what your body does for not acting what you are doing in your dreams :L
Well what’s been happening to me these past few days is I go to sleep and, as I’m a light sleeper, wake myself up abruptly somehow (I don’t really know how it works) and find myself in sleep paralysis but very quickly forget about it as I observe the HI that’s already fully vivid. Basically, I skip the earlier stages of WILD. Lucky me!
I do believe you have to be in SP, but how pronounced it is depends on how much attention you pay to it.
No, SP is not required for WILD. often during WILD, i just find myself within the dream, not experiencing any SP like symptoms. SP happens everytime you sleep, so what is happening is that you’re just not noticing it.
SP is required for dreaming without moving your real body, its just that is not required to notice it
Thanks for you experiences guys. it means its not compulsory that we lie and wait there for SP to occur. But astral projection is not compulsory right? I mean one can directly enter a dream, like not having to Float out of the body or any OBE exit.
SP and AP are not necessary parts of LD, no.
SP happens everytime during dream state, thought, as others said, it will not always be noticeable.
Astral projection and Out-of-body-experience are just specific scenarios of a dream. They do not happen when inducing WILD, they happen when you are dreaming during the REM phase.
When I try WILD I dont notice SP creeping in, what happens to me is I will be noticing some visuals, light strange noises, the visuals are very random, then all of a sudden I notice a “fump” where Ive lost consciousness for a millisecond and Ill have a more materialized scene, and my hearing will be internal and not external.
For example: I am noticing lights, some noises, totally aware then back|back I am looking at my girlfriend while she is talking about work and I feel like I almost woke up in a dream. A good way to describe it is like being “submerged” into water… instantly.
I think the “fump” is when my brain clicked the switch that shuts my body off and replaces my senses with dream senses. Or SP.
Every time this happens its a shock for me and I instantly wake up, and since I haven’t been rockin in SP for cery long its not much of a struggle for me to move.
But that transition is very strange to witness. Its strange because I am Aware Aware Aware || Wake in dream! Instantly.
So I think for me to successfully have a WILD I will have to stay calm, expect that instant transition and go with it, and I think my LD environment will fully materialize shortly after that. I will have to force myself to not interact until moments after it has fully materialized. IDK maybe my thoughts may help you. But I do think I will get this soon. Hopefully
SamBamboo: Yes, you should get a bit more used to the experience after a while and it will be less of a shock. I still get shocked sometimes, but other times I’m able to go “ok, here we go.” and just go with the flow. But I don’t practice WILD regularly