Actualy minieball, that was WILD with WBTB. You sleep, woke up, then went back to sleep (bed). It is always easyer to WILD after you have sleep some so that you are closer to the REM state. When you first go to bed at night you go through deep sleep states for about one hour befor entering your first REM state. The first REM also only lasts about 10 mins. Later in the night, you have REM states that last up to 70-80 mins. That is why WBTB works better, you are closer to a longer REM state. That also makes it easyer to go directly into REM, which generaly gives you better dreams.
Yesterday i tried WILD for the second time. I was lying on my bed and relaxed until i felt my limbs become numb. That takas 'bout 15 minutes. Then i felt something strange.I saw a room with to chairs. An old sailor was sitting in one of the chairs. I was sitting in the other. I was fully concious , but i had to concentrate to keep this “vision” together. It was becoming more and more detailed, in the end i could even smell the booze on the sailor.Then i heard a loud noise, and it faded away.
What if I don’t get disturbed?
I guess it would transform into a dream. Just try again.
I tried to WILD last days, when i was sure i was lying down more that 15 minutes, i moved. I knew that it wasted whole effort, so i looked at clock - i was lying four ****in minutes, and it seemed so long.
WILD is not for me
Analog clock, lol. Thats some silly term you invented.
I had a clock in my room, and the ticking itself didnt disturb me in normal state. However, when i was trying to play mind games in bed the ticking became very varied : it becomes very quiet, almost unnoticeable, and then extremely loud all of a sudden. THAT quickly rid me of my concentration, and i got rid of the clock in turn.
I haven’t ever been able to have a WILD without getting some sleep. That said it may not be impossible but the fact that Delta sleep gets in the way will undoubtedly cause some serious problems (Delta is like a coma state and there is little dream content or conscious thought reported).
After a few hours of sleep it isn’t a problem to WILD because you only enter Delta sleep on the first sleep cycle or two.
So what happens if you succesfully fall asleep but keep your mind awake when your in the delta thingy. Do you just lie there knowing you’re asleep but can’t do anything about it and do you get sleep paralysis in that stage or is it just in REM stages of sleep?
I Belivie that Wild means you see HI. Then you gradualy see images, once you are ready you will step in to the images. Then you are in a LD. It is usually done with WBTB becuase it distrupts you sleep cycle and is quicker to get to your REm stage.
Hope that helped.
WILD is wake induced lucid dream, that means that when you fall asleep but keep your mind awake, you are in a dream. Some people do have a totaly black dream where they can not see anything. If that happens, you might try walking and imagining that you are walking toward a light, or a door that you can go through to enter a dream.
HH is very indiviual, some people have lots, others very little. That is not the important thing with WILD, it is all about keeping your mind awake while you go to sleep.
ya i have been trying WILD the past week now, but not WBTB. i havent been successful at all , and usually after about 15 minutes ill twitch or move my body. i havent even gotten into a “hypnotic” state yet, so i think im gonna stop with the trying to WILD from being completely awake. Its really hard.
WILD is more dificult when you try it when you first go to bed because your body will go into deep sleep. Even if you dream in deep sleep, you tend to forget the dreams and they are not a vivid as dreams in REM sleep. That is why it is easyer to WILD with WBTB.
That is part of the problem, Delta is a very deep sleep similar to coma and it would be very difficult to stay conscious during delta. If you were able to you wouln’t likely have SP as that is associated with REM.
It is weird because i got my first LD using a WILD without WBTB but it was very short.
I’ve tried a few times. Didn’t work I just gave up. my question is how long is it till you get to the HI and Dream parylisis stage. Also what does sleep parylsis feel like. When practicing WILD without WBTB i get tingeling sensations and then I go numb.
I attempted WILD last night with no WBTB and entered the HI state relatively easily. Getting past it didn’t work and ultimately I ended up having a crazy dream about a giant chicken that I think was lucid.
to be short : yes but it is said to be difficult
I normally only ever done it as soon as i go to bed without sleeping first. I have only had one LD and that was by accidental WILD and i find it really hard to not fall asleep or stay concentrated plus it does take a while to get to HI and SP.
I have done WILD with WBTB and i definatly got further but i find it difficult to wake up early because i am a deep sleeper - i could sleep through an earthquake.
I would say its easier to do WILD with WBTB but you will have to get up early in the morning which isn’t always easy - especially if you share a room.
@ hk-50: You will know when you get to SP without a doubt. The first time its really scary and I was shocked meaning i woke up. Your body vibrates loads in a wierd kind of way. Its hard to explain but you will know it.
I have slept through an earthquake!
But i haven’t been patient enough to get to sleep paralysis without WBTB.
How much longer does it take to achieve a WILD from the start of sleep instead of after a WBTB?
Shouldn’t take too long. Everytime I’ve tried it w/o WBTB so far, and been succesfull the past month with four LD’s, BUT… each time I had to “leave” my body in a different way, as if my body discards the way I did it last. And it only lasts less than 30 seconds. Out of the four times, I was only able to walk once, but I felt… drunk I guess. Anyone else felt this way? Like you have to learn to walk all over again in your LDs? I think maybe I’m still thinking about my physical body, and the paraylsis is making its way into my dream. (The first time I LD’d I was sleeping on my stomach, and was only able to crawl with my arms on the floor)
Edit: My bad, I didn’t even answer your question… each time it took me (WILD w/o WBTB) about 20-30 minutes. It seems shorter and shorter each time though… but then again I was real tired those nights.