So this morning i woke up a few hours early to attemp the WILD method. I layed back and listened to a hypnosis lucid dreaming mp3 as i slowly drifted off to sleep. I then found myself in a cabin with an old friend whom i had not seen in a while. we sat and talked in the kitchen of the cabin for what seemed to be about 10 minutes. I suddenly realized that i couldnt remember how i got where i was and remembered that i was trying to lucid dream a few minutes earlyer. Upon this realization i figured that i was dreaming, but before i could preform an RC i awoke. After waking i did another RC and found out that i was infact actually awake. I found it strange that i put so much focus into remembering that i was dreaming and when i actually made the transition into dreaming i forgot that what was happening was a dream.
Does anyone have any tips that could help me recognize the initial transistion into a dream state without waking up?
Well, what you experienced wasn’t WILD, but a near LD. In WILD you go into the dream already lucid. So you won’t have that problem with WILD. In your case though, maybe if you try MILD it would be more effective?
At first, it will be some vibrations. You may see some light patterns. Or you may see nothing at all. It isn’t neccesarily possible for anyone to tell you YOUR transition, because afterall, it is YOURS. It will take time for you to recogize that for yourself. WILD’s arn’t that easy in the first place. It took at least 3 years for me to half-way master them, and I still only get a LD with them about 60% of the time now. Keep it up though, it looks like you are close.
I wouldn´t say that was a WILD, it was just a regular dream and you just remembered you were trying to become lucid a few minute before… you were very very close though, but I guess it was just a very low level lucid dream… or maybe you got a little too excited that you realized you were dreaming and woke up… my only tip would be to calm yourself as soon as you think you might be dreaming… even if you aren´t completely sure… just do as if it was nothing special. it has really helped me because in the beginning when I was first trying LDs… that was my worst poblem… getting excited. good luck!