Yes, you can auto program yourself to do an RC at 5 am. You can auto program yourself to do ANY mental task that you’re familiar with at ANY time. So the possibilities of what can be done with auto suggestion spand further than lucid dreaming. Programming yourself to REMEMBER to do something at an exact given time works for anything such as: remembering to pick something up when you pass the grocery store, remembering to deposit your check when you pass the bank, remembering to get that gift for someone, etc.
Anyways, I ended up having a lucid dream last night, just like I programmed myself to. It was short though and kinda lame… all well! At least I know my auto suggestion still works!
Alright. I’ll test it for you tonight. I don’t have work till 3 PM tomarrow, so I should have plenty of time to sleep in and try this.
So, let me get this straight, I program myself to awaken 6 hours from the time I go to bed and then, once I awaken, I check what time it is and set a time about an hour from then to program myself to do a RC?
I have a feeling it will work fine. I’ll be sure to tell you how it goes, tomarrow.
Yeah, the idea is that you perform a reality check at a predetermined time when you’re dreaming. You don’t have to wake up after 6 hours of sleep (or at all) before setting your intention, but that may just be your routine.
Alright. I’ll do that tonight. I may program myself to wake up first though, because that will help me refresh my intentions. Either way, if I believe it will give me a lucid dream - it will.
Thanks Ben! I remember back when you were writing that lucid dreaming software. Have you finished the final version yet? I remember it was really cool.
Sorry mods–I didn’t really know where to put this (and no, search didn’t help ), but–since my time off the forum, I haven’t had nearly as many LDs as I used to–in fact, close to none…maybe there’s a connection–a psychological one?
It worked again, as always, but this time I had some peculiar results. First, I ALMOST went lucid in a dream. I was very suspicious and was asking lots of questions, but lost lucidity. THEN I had a full blown OBE. The OBE lasted approximately 2 minutes. I’d also like to note that I could not go more than 5 feet from my body, in any direction, because I would find myself in excruciating pain, unable to go further.
Hey, congratulations on the OBE, that must have been awesome!
Really weird that you could only go 5 feet from your body though.
I have a question… would your technique work even if you can’t do WILD? I’d like to think that it would increase my chance of doing WILD successfully, but after months of trying and no results I’m kinda doubtful that I’ll ever get it right…
Sure thing! You can program your mind to perform any task, whatsoever, as long as you specify a time.
For example, you can will your mind to remain awake while your body falls asleep by telling yourself, “from now, 11:00, through 12:45, my mind will remain completely alert and conscious while it releases the hormones required to put my body to sleep.”
I chose to specify the time as 11:00 through 12:45, because that is approximately 105 minutes. That is 15 minutes to have your mind begin lowering it’s brainwaves and a 90 minute sleep cycle, in which the dream is located at the end of.
So it’s simple. For a succesful WILD, just will yourself to stay mentally awake while your body falls asleep by specifying some times and specific actions for the brain to take. It may seem pretty complex, but once you grasp the concept it will become easy for you.
The trick is to find a comfortable position to rest your body in and relax for the duration of the first 15 minutes. After resisting to change positions for the first 15 minutes, it will become easy to maintain lying still. Just let it happen.
From what I’ve experienced when I try to WILD,
that after 10-15 mins I feel like I’m spinning right - left - right - left faster and faster each second but then I feel it fade away and nothing happens.
I’ve never actually thought of something related to that spinning and I find it extremely interesting that you mentioned to imagine yourself alseep and the bed is spinning.
Problem I’ve experienced is that I get this raising headach after short amount of the spinning time.
Like little energy dots are being absorbed by the brain, which is very annoying.
This is also very interesting, I will try it out tonight and program myself on a time schedule.
But i dont get one thing… You can fail a RC in dream, it happens. (3 times for me x_X ) Wouldnt be easier just to say “at 4:30 I will realize that i’m in dream” ?
And about that weird 5 feets - I readed that body is connected with… soul (let me call it like that) by a silver thread. At firsts OoBE it is really short, and it doesnt lets you go away from body.
And WILD doesnt works for me, i cant just dont move by so big amount of time. My record was about a 20-30 mins.
Darxide, quick question. In EWLD LaBerge says that autosuggestions should be made without effortful intention, that effort is counterproductive (at least in his case). So I’m wondering, do you actively and intently carry out your autosuggestion technique, or do you relax and genuinely expect it to work without deliberate effort?