Just suggesting it enough and then letting go is all it takes. However, you must genuinely expect it. You may have a hard time expecting it and think, “It will only happen if I truly believe it will happen”, but don’t go for that thought. Instead, think, “It will happen, no matter what”. You must really expect it with NO ifs.
Darxide…I think a lot of people are wondering exactly how one would expect something to happen. It is extremely much easier said than done. Maybe you could share how you got to the way you are. I’m not saying to explain what you eat and how you live your life and everything…just explain how you got rid of those doubts and how you can now firmly believe in whatever you set your mind to.
I think with that explanation, much struggle will end with this way of LDing.
Its pretty hit and miss for me, but I think once you have gotten it once, you’re set. Once I got the waking up at a certain time thing down, I can always do it, except when I’m dead tired…then I’m just a log. As long as you think its possible you’re bound to get it sooner or later…but maybe Darxide could help us make it sooner.
I guess if I had to sum up how I am as poweful with lucid dreaming as I am, in one word it would be faith. By faith, I mean faith in myself, faith in my suggestions, faith in my subconscious and faith in my ability to have a successful lucid dreaming.
It may seem like it’s much easier said than done, but it’s really the opposite. Just have faith. It’s hard for me to understand how you can’t believe that you will have a lucid dream, after you suggest to yourself you will.
As long as you understand that if you believe the suggestion 100%, you will have 100% chances of having a lucid dream, then why not believe it 100%? It’s might seem like a difficult concept to grasp, but I’m trying my hardest to explain it.
The subconscious mind can not reject suggestions that the conscious mind fully believes 100%. So why not consciously believe the suggestion 100%? If you DO believe the suggestion 100%, then you WILL have a lucid dream.
It is just really hard for me to understand why you do not believe your own suggestion 100%, understanding the above. If you don’t understand that above, read it over a few times till it makes sense. That’s the best I can explain it. [/b]
You’re making great progress.
I italicized and bolded the word think in the above quote. Instead, I believe it should be replaced with the word know. Thinking you can do something is a start, but it’s knowing you can do it that will make you succeed. If you have just a grain of faith that you can lucid dream at will and you plant it in your mind, then eventually it will grow into a full knowledge (and power) that allows you lucid dream at will any night you choose.
I think that it is a little more complex. Some people are very sure of themselves, and they have less problems being 100% sure that when they say, I will have an LD, that it will work. Other people just always have doubt. It could be because lots of things just don’t work out the way they want, or maybe they know that they can do lots in sport, but have problems with mental tasks. If the doubt is there, it can stop you from having LD’s.
People like that could try something different. First try to guess how sure you are that you can get lucid in a dream. It could be 80%, or just 10%. Then you say to yourself, “OK. if I am 20% sure that I can get lucid, that means that in the next 20 nights I should have about 5 LD’s, so what I need to do is work at getting lucid in a dream, and do everything I can to remember the 5 LD’s that I have in the next 20 nights.” Then you don’t need to worry about each night. Go to bed sure that it will happen sometime in the next 20 nights, and be prepared to enjoy it when it happens. Once you start having LD’s, then you can work on getting better at it.
One other point, if you want to have LD’s and stick with it, you will have LD’s. It is just a question of how much time and effert you will have to put into it.
Darxide, not being rude or anything, but that didn’t explain the how part. It did explain the obvious about why you should do this…which we all know because we all want this way of thinking.
Don, however, put it in a much better format of how to do it. It might not be the way Darxide has done things, but it certainly is a very good start.
All I’m trying to do is make this technique clear to everybody. Until now, half of this tech has been missing, and was replaced with philosophical statements (like your above post darxide)…when instead it should’ve been filled with the how to do something at will by believing in something. Sure some people can sit there and believe in it right off the bat and get dreams at will…but a large portion of everybody else needs something to aid them in getting to that point of belief. In todays society, there are way too many skeptics out there that can affect other people’s way of thinking.
With all that said, Darxide, maybe you could add on to don’s way or even make a new way of constructing that wall of belief? SOMETHING had to have changed your views on getting lucid dreaming to work at will.
When I have LD’s, it’s always after I ‘tell’ myself I will have one (like Darxide). For me, it’s crucial not to put pressure on myself while telling myself I will have a LD, because of that, I have the most succes when I have just woken up, tell myself confident I will have a LD and fall asleep as soon as possible.
Sorry, Ben, I just do it. I don’t know how I have so much faith in myself, but I do. It may stem from the fact I have been able to have so many lucid dreams from other techniques over the past several years that I know I can do it - with just some suggestion. Maybe that may answer your question. If not, then I’m REALLY sorry. I just DO believe in myself that much. I’m not sure how I do, but I know why I do.
With more experience behind the wheel of dreaming perhaps this style would be most effective. Like an “advanced” style, you could say. Do MILD for a bit, work on WILDing, then come back to this after a while.
Even during my first, true lucid dreaming experience, I was still trying to explain it. I was trying to convince myself that it doesn’t exist. I don’t know why, I suppose I simply have doubts, and if these doubts are embedded into me, autosuggestion could difficult for me to follow-through upon.
Yeah I guess I already knew that you just did it. That would explain why it’s hard to tell others how to accomplish that feeling. I know how you feel though…lol. I too just do it and I used to say to everybody to “just believe”…but nobody would really fully understand.
If don’s way doesn’t work for people…we really need to think about what way WILL work for people to have a state of mind to just believe. If we could do that, most people, if not everybody, could not only lucid dream at will, but they could accomplish ANYTHING that they set their minds to.
That’s the type of thing that could get you written down in LD4All history
I don’t think that there is any way that will work for everyone. There are just too many diffent types of people out there. Just beliving you will, will work for some people. What I was trying to say is, if you can’t just belive, then if you can say, ok I could belive 20%, then you could conentrate on improving your technic and just let the LD come when it will. With pratice, you will become more sure of yourself and have more LD’s. If you are putting too much pressure on yourself, you will probly not have any LD’s.
That said, I have also said that each person need to pick a technic and work on it for a while, like two to four months. For some people it could also take longer. Each person should learn this for him/herself. It can help a lot in your life to know how hard it is for you to learn someting new. some people learn fast, some learn slow. Both types can learn anything, the slow learners just need more time. If you know how fast/slow you learn, then you have a better idea of when to give up on one technic and swith to trying another one. Then it also doesn’t help to beat your head agenst a wall working on a technic that doesn’t fit you. I know for instance that I can not use any technic where I listen to music and try to go to sleep, if I can hear music, I will stay awake until I am so tired that I don’t remeber any dreams I might have had, ND or LD.
So learn about yourself, stick with one technic for long enough to be sure that it is not for you, then switch to a different one.
enough said (maybe too much )
don you kind of side tracked… This isn’t about trying out bunches of techniques for periods of times. This is about trying out THIS particular technique. I do agree though about people needing to learn about themselves before starting and ending a technique. I also agree about the fact that there are many types of people out there. I didn’t really mean to say that we need to find the ONE way that will make somebody “believe”. What I meant is, we need to come up with ways that work for some people, so that others can get an idea on exactly how they should approach this state of mind.
Yes, I know. It is just that even tho WILD sounds like it will be great if I ever get there, it can be very counterproductive to get hung up on it so bad that you lose the ability to LD with other techs. or that you get so frustrated that you give up compleatly. What I really wanted to say in the post was that if you focused on getting the tech. working, i.e. learning to fall asleep while concetrating on something, or finding something to focus on that doesn’t keep you awake, and not so much on the LD that you want to have, then you would improve your chances of having an LD. I think that could work with any tech. but I still think that WILD would be very handy if I could ever get it to work.
This isn’t about WILD though, is it? I thought this technique was where you believed that you would have a LD, and then you would. It’s something I’ve been trying to get out there for a while now, and I think Darxide has been too.
The idea is, you can will yourself to have a LD just like that, or you can will yourself to have a LD IF you accomplish something (by doing any other tech), which helps some people believe in it better.
If this isn’t what this topic is about, then I’m sorry…and Darxide needs to change the name of the thread, lol.
Basilus West is right, this is a definite myth. We only use 10% of our brain at one time, but there is no known part of the brain that is never used. Every section of the brain is active at some point, just not altogether. As Basilus said, this would be useless, with the exception of extreme and physically impossible multi-tasking.
That said, I think this technique is very intriguing and I’m interested in trying it out.