ok so whats better 4 ya, i know this is no drugs or whatever but still open window or closed window 4 lding simple 2 do as well
heers looking 4 ward it ur response
ok so whats better 4 ya, i know this is no drugs or whatever but still open window or closed window 4 lding simple 2 do as well
heers looking 4 ward it ur response
I always have the window open and it doesn’'t affect my dreams.
I’ve found tha going to sleep on your stomach doesn’t give me LD’s it really makes you dream. This way you have more chances to to have an LD
I don´t know if it is better for my LDs, but I think window open gives me better dream recall.I hate to wake up in a room which is hot and/or hasn´t got enough fresh air in it…
alright thanx a heap i wiill keep in mind