I’ve been in an ice storm that has left 1.5 million people without power.
NYtimes.com - 1.5 million without power.
I’m lucky to have a 486 25mhz laptop with 14k modem that I’ve dragged from the closet. I never thought I’d say that. It’s a great substitute! I’m able to plug it into my car’s cigarette lighter via a long extenstion cord. The phone lines are still up, so here I am.
I’ve learned that the forum is not as pretty at 640X480 resolution … not to mention the black and white screen. It’s going to take some time to read the 38 new post here, but it is not like I’m busy doing something else. Except lucid dream.
I love the peaceful silence of a house without electricity, and the deep dark that is uncontaminated by unatural light. It’s relaxing. I plan to spend this time well. I have batteries for my CD player, so I can listen to my Hemisync CDs. I’m not going to try that yet. Instead I’m going to enjoy the dark silence of nights without power. I bet I sleep well, and hopefully dream even better. So I will soon go to bed and try for a WILD. Wish me luck!
I tried for a WILD last night, but it was during the storm. It was worthless. Once I got very relaxed another tree would snap or branch would fall. It sounds like shotguns, so I usually jumped and waited for it to land … and hoped it wouldn’t land on me. Once the sun started to shine bright I woke up. I don’t remember a lucid dream, but the yard looked dream-like. It was enough to make me question reality.
Everything was coated with a thick sheet of ice. It was beautiful. Sadly, many of the trees were either weighed down or snapped in half. A few houses were destroyed, some cars crushed, power lines down and power poles snapped. Despite this, the scenery is amazing.
Most trees that are going to snap have already fell. Tonight is much quieter. It’s 53degrees inside, but the laptop puts off a comforting heat. It’s great sleeping weather.
i’m going to sleep now. Wish me luck! If anyone has any ideas for some techniques or exercises to try during these circumstances, that would be great! It may take some time for me to reply, but i’m reading it all. Hopefully we will have power soon, but we’re told it could be days. i don’t mind though, I think it is fun. It is like camping out, and it allows plenty of free time to try for LDs.