Hey i had my wisdom teeth surgically removed at the begining of august. The surgery its self is cake… The last thing i remembered was the dentist asking me something about my guitar while he was injecting something into the IV i had in my arm. and then the next thing i remeber is me being pushed to the car in a wheelchair and I couldnt even feel my face at all. and then i wake up and i am in my parents bed and my dad says its time to change the gause in my mouth and for me to have a drink of water. haha it was so hard to get the water in my mouth because my mouth was sooooo numb. and then i took a half a tablet of my oxycodone and woke up about 4 hours later… It never really started hurting until later that night it was really hard to sleep. and then the next day the pain was terrible. I couldnt eat much of anything but apple sauce and tomato soup for about 3 days. but then i could start eating soft stuff. but when i took IB profen that REALLY helped. even better then the pain pills. but thats me… the pain pretty much goes away after about 4 or 5 days.
I went and attended the telluride bluegrass festivel for four days only two days after getting my wisdom teeth pulled
One of my wisdomteeths has just started to grow out a couple of days ago, and everytime i brush my teeths it starts to hurt and bleed. :[ God I hate wisdom teeths!
I was supposed to get mine pulled about a year before I did get them pulled. I just procrastinate about that stuff because it didn’t hurt. But then after all that time of it not hurting, one day I woke up and I was in horrible pain. I had to schedule a appointment immediatly. Sucked though cause I had to wait two weeks to get it done. So I had trouble chewing on a whole side of my mouth for two weeks.
I thought it was interesting when they were healed enough to eat normal food and touch the sockets and food would get down there. Have to suck it out.
I’m curious. What kind of drugs do they give you after a root canal? I don’t need one. I’m just wondering.
same here, I couldn’t even chew food properly for a couple of days but it’s getting better…
Hopefully I wont have to pull’em out
I have had a few times where I haven’t been able to chew properly because of them. But I haven’t had them pulled out yet, becuse they usually get well within a few days. And this only happens about once per year.
Dentist strongly suggested I get all mine out.
parents said no u dont need to, I agreed. by the time of my next appointment they already rooted. if i take it out now or much later risk is the same: potential for damaging important nerves and numbness of mouth for life. 1% risk i think, increases when they root (by looks of xrays they go throught the roots!)
bottom already grown, teeth still straight with a little overlap
top teeth not grown, no risk of permanent damage, can be extracted anytime, doc says they won’t grow there’s no room for them
time will tell
thank u for your interest in my teeth but might help someone out making the decision