Wisdom Teeth

Tomorrow morning at 8:45, I will begin the procedure to have all four of my third molars raped from my skull. The bottom two are impacted but none of them have rooted. I’m really hoping everything goes well, because I’m more likely to be terrified to death than to be killed by the operation…

Would anyone be kind enough to tell me their survival stories to help me get through the night?

I have had some teeth pulled. I made them give me both gas and novocaine. I just hate the dentist. But, it really is not so bad. One suggestion I have is bring a walkman with you. The sounds of the instruments they use is really the worst part. I did not have too much pain during the operation it’s self. If you use gas. The music plus the gas has some cool effects.

Should not be too bad then. They should pop right out. :grin:

Good luck and I wish you well. :smile:

I had around eleven teeth pulled one three occasions when i was younger, but I still haven’t had my wisdom teeth taken out.

The only thing I can tell you is don’t tense up when they pull stuff out, that’ll only give you a headache. Its best to close your eyes and pretend you’re upside-down and they’re brushing (not pulling) you’re teeth. I realize this doesn’t make much sense, but if you’ve had teeth pulled or been given nitrous oxide… you’ll understand.

Fortunately, I will be receiving total anesthesia. So I will be out during the operation and most of the day when I get home.

That is even better than. You won’t see, hear, or feel jack. You’ll just be out one second then awake the next. You won’t even know what hit you.

yeah, but for almost a week you’ll look like a cabbage doll and be eating ice cream, milkshakes, and whatnot.

but hey, usually they give ya something happy for the pain.

OMG you have them all 4 pulled?
how are you going to survive afterwards?
i have had them pulled 2 at the time (first left and a couple of months later the ones on the right)

i could barely eat after and was grateful at least one side of me did’t hurt so much.

also i hope you can sleep on your back because sleeping on one side you can forget the first few days.

But it is true they will give you some incredible pain killers :smile:

i’m happy for you you will get total anasteasia (sp), so you won’t be aware of all the things they will do inside your mouth.

i wish you the best of luck, tell us how it went ok?

:peek: 100% Pure Funk Syrup - your sig is about 100% too long - could you please trim it down a little until it is at the maximum of 3 lines, thanks :smile:

That is true. For some reason dentists are far more liberal with painkillers than doctors are. Doctors don’t give you anything decent unless you’re practically dying. :grin:

Hope you feel better soon :smile:

Why is everybody pulling their wisdom teeth out? I’ve never understood it. I like them :tongue:

yeah excuse my ignorance but why do the wisdom teeth need to be pulled, and what exactly are they.

this coming from a person who still possibly has baby teeth in tact somewhere.

(and who is lucky if he brushes twice a week but has never had a cavity)

i really should go to a dentist though for just a general checkup/polish job, it’s been a while… maybe talk them into giving me some nitrous.

I get scared just having a filling.

It only needs to be pulled out if it becomes impacted.

animated-teeth.com/wisdom_te … _tooth.htm

That’s bad. It means you still run the risk of getting impacted wisdom teeth. Not trying to scare you or anything. :razz:

Both my mother and my aunt never brushed their teeth and ended up with big problems in later life. It is also genetical for our teeth to go bad. But I make sure I brush my teeth at least once a day to ensure that I wont have to suffer to badly as a result. I also use mouth wash to make sure my back teeth are propaly done.

When I was young, the dentist admitted me to hospital after I had adult teeth coming through and my baby teeth wouldn’t budge. I had 4 baby teeth pulled out. All I rememebr is fighting the gas mask away from my face as the stupid doctor forced it onto me. Prehaps, had he warned me I would have been prepared for it.

Usually, they give you a thing (A drug?) that makes you so dosy you are half knocked out. I don’t know what they do for wisdom teeth.

Am I right to asume it hurts because the roots go so far up?

Hey, Shadowless.

I am a survivor, yeah! I went through the same procedure a couple years ago, only I had five wisdom teeth instead of the customary four (or fewer). The procedure wasn’t bad at all–I was under anesthesia, so the only thing I remember is breathing through a mask and then lying in a another room after the procedure was complete. It took awhile for the effects of the drug to wear off, but I was pretty loopy. Apparently I said to my step-dad on the drive back, “It’s a good thing I’m not driving cause we would have crashed by now!” cue goofy drugged grin

The whole thing wasn’t that bad. It was painful afterward, yes, but with the painkillers they’ll prescribe, I’m sure you’ll be just fine.

*Ask for a free milkshake, too, as I got one! Hehe.

And something holy reality wrote:

I needed to get mine taken out in order to free up space. Wisdom teeth can cause crowding, and can mess up your tooth configuration. The only way for me to get braces was to have my wisdom teeth removed. A lot of people have it done.

Ooh, and they also let me keep the teeth! Pretty funky, I must say, getting bits and pieces of five teeth that once were in my mouth. Just watch out for infection later on, Shadowless, and you should be okay. Expect a syringe to clean out the spaces where your teeth used to be, otherwise if your gum heals over those areas and debris is trapped in there, your mouth swells and it’s very painful! (I got the pleasure of experiencing that.)

Gee, I just went on and on about getting wisdom teeth removed. Ay.

Good luck! :wink:

Hello everyone. The procedure went fine and I am making an exceptional recovery. I stayed in bed all of yesterday and played video games all day today (it’s so difficult not being allowed to exercise :wink: ). Apparently I was given some pretty powerful pain killers, but they don’t seem to have much effect on me, but that’s still ok. I haven’t experienced any pain at all and I’ve only taken three pain killers. My cheeks are pretty puffy though.

Thanks everyone for the well-wishing.

I am glad things were not as bad as you expected.
When I had my wisdom teeth out I did not experience much pain either. I only too 2 of the pain killers. One before the novocaine wore off and one when I went to bed. After that I did not need them anymore. I was still sore but not to the point that I need heavy pain killers.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

Wisdom teeth. Heh. Not bad at all.

I loved the Vicodin!

You are afraid of how horrible it will be?!?

I wish I had something like that happen to me cause ive never had any prescription drugs I could abuse

last time i went to the dentist they gave me vallum, and then later that day my mom gave me vikodin. BAD COMBO. :ack: now they want me to go in for a root canal but i dont think im gonna do it. I SHALL NOT GIVE IN TO YOUR MIND CONTROL TOOTH GAMES!

I’ll buy your extra vicodin if you are not going to use them. Heh. Just kidding, but really, I will. :grin:

Believe it or not root canal is not that bad if you have a good dentist. I’ve had that done as well and it was not that bad. I did not even need the pain killers they gave me afterwards.

“yeah excuse my ignorance but why do the wisdom teeth need to be pulled, and what exactly are they.”

On the very very back of your gums quartet of teeth will slowly punch a hole in much the same manner that the molars farthest back did/will, only odds are, they’ll come in screwed up. They tend to cause lots of dental problems and pain, hence why they usually need to come out.

I still have all my wisdom teeth… Someday soon, I’ll have to get them yanked out. They’re all slanted, and one is practically coming in horizontally. I’ve got a rather nasty hole in my left cheek about the size of a pencil eraser, from a combination of it getting worn in by one tooth, and from the other tooth coming in near it. It stopped hurting thankfully, but every now and then starts hurting again.

“And who is lucky if he brushes twice a week but has never had a cavity”

I was just like you, never brushed hardly, and never got a cavity. But once I got close to adulthood, then I started having problems. So it might be something to do with age.

Did you have dental sealants painted in? I did, and that may have been the reason I dodged it for so long. But now I’ve got one on one of my pre-molars.