I wasn’t able to find the reality check method I use in the forum anywhere, so I was wondering if it was something person specific or if other people are able to use it effectively.
My foolproof method for checking if I’m dreaming is pretty simple, and I came up with it during a lucid dream actually, XD.
All I do is question if I am dreaming or not. If I know 100% without a doubt that this is reality, then I know it is real.
However when I ask myself this question and feel even a little bit of doubt, I am dreaming.
I think this works because I am not using my true senses in a dream; what I see isn’t with my eyes and what I hear isn’t with my ears type thing, so when I evaluate myself it comes back distorted. Even the slightest bit of doubt lets me know it is a dream because in the waking world I ALWAYS know without a doubt it is real.
This has had a massive success rate, it doesn’t fail for me ever, however a person does need full confidence in it for it to work.
Anyone do something similar or has honed this to be even more effective?
I tend to jump to conclusions, especially when dreaming. Many dreams I tested my state, looked around, thought: “No way, this is real, without a doubt.”
Perhaps I’m weird, but the reverse technique really revs my lucid engine: all is dream. I can’t quite put into words why it works, but I suspect it desensitizes your ego, lessens it’s massive resistance to the idea it’s world and to some extent even itself is just an elaborate thought-form.
I did the exactly same thing in a dream a few weeks ago.
Everything seemed absolutely real, no doubt it was reality etc, and I was like “hey this IS reality, of course it is!” — and guess what happened a few seconds later?
Perhaps it is just me then. I know a lot of people look for something in a dream that isn’t the same in reality, but I look for the “feeling” of reality and when I find it partially absent, I just know. Hard to describe…like I am missing a sense. All my senses are there and fully functioning, but I still feel like something is missing from a dream.
Like everyone else though, I do have a good, vivid glance around and go " Seriously? This isn’t real?"
I don’t really have the desire most of the times to change my dreams, I usually become lucid in very calm ones where I was relaxing anyways. Becoming lucid simply means I can get up and get a latte from the free coffee booth that just opened around the corner. I am pretty dull for the most part
Well if you make an extend research on LD’in, pioneers usually call your technique a “Critical question” as it is actually .
You only need to answer that question but how you will answer it is your own way. But sometimes to the question: “Am I Dreaming” you can add others such as: “Where Am I”, “How Did I Get Here”, “What was I doing and What I’m Doing Now”, "“Where Am I Going”???
If you can answer those questions then your doubt will become a certainty…
I do wonder if it has something to do with the number of LDs I’ve had as well, I have had hundreds of them, so perhaps it’s experience that makes me able to tell the difference immediately?
I’ve also asked people in my dream if I am dreaming and they can tell me. Again, I can just feel it though.
I was at work once though, and looked at the clock and it was wrong, and then looked at it again and it had gone backwards so I tried a RC and confirmed it was real. Threw me right off. It was a backwards clock my boss had installed, bothered the life outta me XD. There sure was doubt in that situation.
I’ve done this a few times in dreams, but it doesn’t really work that well for me and I realized now why (although I’m not sure it will be easy to change that). When I ask myself the question I look at everything logically and try to reason, which doesn’t work that well as my logic is dumbed down, so even though I’m unsure if it’s a dream, I’m never able to be sure that if I’m unsure it’s a dream . Anyway, I think the trick is to focus on the feeling, because dreams usually do have a characteristic feeling! If you try to get there using reason it might not work out that well.