Alright, there is a guy on GameFAQs who deeply disturbed by this “guy” what do you make of it?
Read that…been there ^.^ i doubt its what he says.probably just representing a too high of a power person / thing in his life that he cant control and he seems to not think that he CAN control this person in his dreams. but maybe hes right …
Hmm… I don’t know much about dream characters, but if he believes in spiritual things, perhaps this person is a spirit guide? It probably has something to do with his subconscious… I’m not sure what, though.
He may as well ask this character who he is. That may be the best way to find out…
What I believe… is his subconscious is leaving him a gaping, open hole to a DILD. WOAH. Tell him about LDing, perhaps he can confront this person. Easy solution. Also tell him to use a dream dictionary or to analyze his dream by himself. Analyze. Carefully.
Its most likely just a DC he thought about too much. This is very common. It doesn’t matter if he isn’t easily disturbed. He gave that DC power by dwelling on it. I don’t know how his LDs work but here is how mine work: you give a DC a cookie, it will ask for milk. In otherwords, if you give a DC any respect at all, you will begin to lose consciousness because the idea of that DC begins to take over my dream. I begin to treat that DC as a real human being and that is not good.