Wond3rland... Anyone tried this method?


Designing your own “dream world” for lack of a better term. Using landscape marks, such as rivers, gardens, mountains, characters and w/e. So that when you end up in the dream, you can rather quickly gain lucidity. All based of the mere fact you designed your dreamland over the past couple weeks on paper and can recognize your lay-out/art work.

(Not saying you end up in a cartoon world, think “Lay-out” not “crayola colored trees”)

I haven’t tried it yet…but it’s sounds like fun, so maybe I will :content: Did you?

I don’t think it’ll be that easy, though. We tend to overlook dreamsigns constantly, and it should be similar with the self-made dream world.

I always draw small sketches,lists,maps of different stuff that comes to mind.
Thsi should work.

:uh: Sounds like Paradiso. Tried that, but never managed to get it to work. Had a lot of fun getting there though. :good: