Its only been about a week of me practicing to have LD, but last night i tried MILD method but didnt wake up early or anything just before i went to sleep.
Anyways i had a super vivid dream were i felt actual sensations. During MILD i was picturing my self flying. Basicly the dream i had was of me in a lucid dream and knowing i was in one, i was practicing flying. I flew Neo style and i actually felt the sensation it was incredable. I also had a fight scene againt Sariph from the matrix. In my dream i had control of what i could do its very hard to explain even im confused because i had no control but i still did everything i wanted to, played out the matrix and flew.The only thing i didnt do is realize it was a dream. But it was incredable so i cant even wait for a real LD. Can someone tell me what i had i would appreciate it thanx.
Um, im not sure the more i think about it the more im confused on what i had, i didnt have control consciosley but i think what happened was that it was so realistic of what it might be like to have a LD that it probably felt like i had control, the only reason i feel like this is because in my dream i remember thinking what would be cool to do in my LD and i remember i had always wanted to fly and do the matrix thing. I just think that i had a dream of everything i would do in a LD…
I hope im not confusing everyone, although im not even sure if it was a non vivid ld or a super vivid dream.
I think I know what you mean. You had “control” in the dream, but you didn’t have control of the dream. I’ve had dreams where I could control the dream environment, like moving stuff with my mind, but it was still just a normal dream. It was not a lucid dream where one might have control of the dream. Hmm… at least it makes sense to me.