last night was the first time for me to recall 4 dreams (yes, 4! ) - and last night I didn’t even start my usual recall routine (I remember my dreams…repeat until I fall asleep) i.e. I recalled 4 dreams without even consciously intending to.
I feel very good about myself ! Just had to get this off my chest (which basically means telling all you dreamers out there - since I’m afraid you’re the only ones who understand why I’m so happy
I’ve been trying to have lucid dreams for a couple of days. I remembered 4 the first night and 2 last night. I told my friends and they laughed at me because I was so excited. Now they’re asking me how to do this. Pretty ironic
Thats Awesome, you should really get in the habit of keeping a DJ because when I kept mine I could remember 4 long dreams a night without even trying. But school and work hacked that down to part of 1 dream a night. So keep it up!!!