Working on a music method

I’ve got an iHome alarm clock and can play my iPod through it. Its 2 alarms have given me an idea. Basically, I’ll set one for 4:30 am and two for 6:30 am. It will play music once at 4:30, a time that should have me in REM sleep, loud enough to not wake me but still somehow permeate into the dream. If it does wake me, I’ll reduce the volume, shut it off, and try the 6:30 am one. I expect that using calm, lengthy, meandering songs will work best for this scenario. Does anyone experienced with using music to induce LDs have any tips to help refine the logistics of this?

forget Ld’s, but get ready for some crazy stuff to go down. I’m talking from a conversation with someone to a psychedelic music video equipped with angle switching and instruments. Ive listened to my ipod one whole night, and felt like i had no sleep that night. I just felt like i watched music videos for 9 hours.

though its just me.

sounds good, but i wouldn’t count on ld’s unless you spend a month practicing where every time you hear music you think about lucid dreaming and RC’s.

have fun :content:

Would it help if I already associate the music with dreaming?

Music controls weather!
it needs to be understood that music is a very abstract and magickal language

now let’s say two kiddies just banged their gutiars like monkies, now, lets say you went to bed and become one with that, you don’t gain a lot

now lets say someone is at one with the unvierse, and feel so much love, and they are measterful on their instrument, and they manage to record that to satisfaction,
that would be pretty good to become one with

now lets turn on the radio, we can see that most songs are completely selfish, not only that, but are the amplification of emotional patterns which are married to ego-istic worldviews

for instance some woman may say certain things in a very sad way, so then, instead of you having a chance to be ahppy, you are bound to her through law of attraction and empathy, and resonate closer to her emotional frequency + adopt her way of thinking

and you have to ask,
should she bad sad about that?
can she think about it in a happy way?
does this song really take me where i want to be in the unvierse?

and the only way to really see it is to radio surf, very quickly, picking up on the patterns and the words without letting them hypnotize you

and when you know this, you can see, that if you make yourself one with something, it is a cookie cutter, and a pair of glasses, and it cuts your dough, your reality, into a certain set of ways of looking at things, and over-time this builds up in your personality

so you can see if a car pulls up blaring angry rap music, that these people have angry thoughts running 24/7 in their sucbonscious, and it does not necessarily control them, but it changes the way they view the world, as they become one with patterns that only know how to JUDGE everything like an angry barking scared dog

and so then, if you see a car pull up with beautiful classical music, you know, this person has a different matrix of patterns woven into his subconscious

so that what we have is a mainstreaming marginalization effect

so when we go to sleep, what happens is we see the truth of the song
and what it actually does across the universe, spread and scattered out

and it might not be a good thing to see, because a lot of songs are made by ego-centric individuals

so you see, it is as if you are going on an amusement park ride, whenever you push play and tune into something, and then, if you keep riding long enough, over time your world looks more and more like how the people you listen to look at the world, until you are almost looking thru their eyes

so its something to be deliberate about, seek out what is soft and loving and beautiful and gentle, compassionate, helpful, positive

life’s too short to drive a bunch of weird programs into your head, and let them take you for a spin.

the reason this is so crucial to know is because music h olds up patterns in the astral and etheric worlds where people are deeply affected

if you listen to crickets, what is going on is that, the crickets can communicate with you until you are hearing them inside your head, like your head is hollow

this brings about spiritual clarity and sort of tingles in the forehead, the third eye

but when you commune with music, you can literally commune with ANYTHING IN HUMAN IMAGINATION, and so, its like if someone puts on a song, this song is like unleashing a huge spell of angels and demons and other such things, and patterns and colours, into the environment, just as if pushing play would cause rain to come from the sky

so it is like letting uninvited guests into your home (your mind)

so its just good to know, so you can get the most of out true good Quality music, and also, learn to not listen to certain songs.

the other thing important to know is that when you are thinking about things, and you get the mind still enough, a song lyric will pop untio your head, and this will answer your questions BUT the mind only grabs what is most readily available, so if your entire musical vocabulary consists of swear words, the answers might not be as helpful, you see?

not everyone needs to take penicillin, especially if they only have a tiny headache.

now when you deal with the subconscious sleep barrier, the buffer as you are in HH, you can begin to sing songs in your head, and imagine the instrument parts, and this will help you have a long period of HH

the best music to listen to either has no lyrics, or is purely inspirational, especially Kirtan, holy music, classical, jazz, new age, trance, but with positive vibes.

Music controls weather, only music that is put together by blissful minds, brings bliss. Consider the subtle ecstasies of a sitar master!

Instead of using music, why not use a sound file that will say:“I am dreaming, this is a dream”, and so on. Accompanied by music of choice and at such a level that it won’t wake you up.

It would help if you associate the music with dreaming, but I think that using music won’t necessarily make you lucid, but it will get incorporated in the dream so you will have to train yourself on doing a reality check whenever you hear that music/song.

Please keep us updated on how you go :smile: And good luck!

I didn’t do it last night, but had a pretty vivid and well documented ND either way. The sound file that says “I am dreaming. This is a dream.” sounds a lot like the one used in EWLD during their experiments.

The album I plan on using for my first attempt at this is The Fun of Watching Fireworks by The American Analog Set if anyone’s interested. Maybe I’ll do it tonight.

i think that this could work, i have tryed and for me it is ether loud enough to wake me up or to quite and i dont hear it… i havent found one that goesinto my dreams without waking me up