Everyone dreams (even if they don’t remember), and therefore everyone can dream lucidly.
I totally agree with this. The old “easier said than done” thing. Some people can’t simply “believe it will happen” at will. (specially over analytical type of people like myself ) I think the more they hear this the more conscious of the problem they are but not necessarily closer to an answer…
I think that it’s a case of finding reasons to believe, rather than eliminating reasons not to. It’s like being told, don’t think about an elephant, the mind will likely do it, and trying to force it not to, will be harder than just putting something else in its place.
Then again, I guess that process conflicts with a cynical mindset, and could be seen as deluding yourself. I think we have two levels to deal with, our rational self, that might be convinced LDs are 100% real, and our subconscious patterns, which may be far from rational. That don’t listen to the ‘not’ part of a statement. Trying to eliminate something from the mind, doubt, anger, negativity, etc, etc, has the inverse effect of intensifying it and bringing it to the forefront, at least that’s how things seem to me at the moment.
LDs occur nightly. The degree of vividness varying. Stay healthy. Routines such as eating habits and sleep patterns can greatly alter/enhance dreams. You will definitely have another. Your first wasn’t proof enough? Believe. Discover why you dream about the things you do now. Eliminating those topics or “dream-themes” will create potential for Lucid Adventures.
nope, everyone has them, nobody cant have LD’s.
its impossible not to have at least one LD in thier whole lifetime
Everyone has the ability to induce a Lucid Dream. Unless your not human that is.
And same. Ive never had a LD, and I know why because its partly that I haven’t tried that much to induce one since Im really busy during the day time. But when It comes to my holiday breaks, thats when I’ll actually try to have a LD.
Good luck on the people that have yet to have their first LD, just like me