Worried :O!

I’ve heard that it can take a person like half a year to get just one lucid dream. For others, they get them every week. What if I’m someone who won’t EVER get one? What if I NEVER get my second LD? Now, I’ve begun questioning my first LD! I think it’s a FLD. Lucid Dreaming feels like something out of my reach :nuu: !


that’s exactly how most of us feel. :cry: i’ve only had one LD, and looking back on it makes it feel like an FLD. :uh:

but really, it just takes practice. :tryfly: finding a technique that works the best for you. :read: if you feel like you’ll never get one, you probably won’t. :om:

Ha, yeah. I think we think that our first LD was a FLD because we always think that it’ll never happen, so when it does, we question its authenticity.
No techs seem to be working for me, but I’ll keep trying.

yes, definitely keep trying! :cheer:

there are a lot of techs out there :look:, and they can be improvised to suit you. :wizard: you don’t have to do them the way they’re written. :lucid:

the problem i find in most people who dont get lucid dreams often, is that they always doubt that they can.
they just have this tiny hint of doubt laying in the back of thier mind, and they cant stop that small feeling, that, just maybe…they cant have lucid dreams.
most people, when they finally overcome this feeling, they find it much easier to have lucid dreams, and stay in lucid dreams longer.
the trick is to never doubt that you can.
the trick to it is to have confidence that you can, like that cheesy speech alot of teachers give on the first day of school, have 100% confidence that you can do it, and it becomes easier over time :grin:

Thanks for your answer, but it’s easier said than done, unfortunately. That doesn’t mean, however, that it’s impossible. I’ll start working to bring down my doubts, maybe I’ll read about other people’s lucid adventures for motivation :happy:

Funny thing about the subconscious is this, what you said… your opening post MIGHT be true, if you chose to accept it. You must have faith, and patience. Yes it can take a while. I have been in the “Rabbit Hole” of Lucid Dreaming for roughly 13 months. At the heigh of success, 3 weekly. But I love it. I do believe it is a cultivated human skill, making it possible for everyone to have one every night. You can do it. I can do it. We can all do it. In my mind, Lucid Dreaming is no harder than getting of your computer for a glass of water. Some of us just have “clogged faucets”. Preset values and conclusions. It is true what they say. In the world of LDs you are you own worst enemy. You are you only enemy.

This is the bit that makes me panic! If you’re not having a lot of luck with LDs then how do you keep positive. I’ve really been trying to truly believe that i will become the Mistress of Lucid Dreaming :tongue: but am finding it hard to truly be positive… especially when the nights go by without becoming lucid, and the rare LDs i do have seem to just happen all by themselves for no good reason! :cry:

For all of you that keep doubting that they can do it, just remember that there will always be a worse LDer than you… ME!
That should eliminate all the doubt.

LOL at Lisinka! I’m sure its not true - but it made me giggle all the same - thanks! :clap:

The more you think about never getting one, the higher the change that you wont get one.

Try WILD. It works, even if you dont think that youll have one. Thats how I got my second LD.

Agreed with all of the above :smile:

The thing is, first you have to want and believe consciously, then convince the SC. If you don’t really want to LD, or don’t believe you can then… well. :wink:

You had one LD. So you can. C’mon, you know it! :tongue: if you focus on all the LD’s you don’t have then you’ll have a harder time.

Anyway, I know all this is harder done than said :tongue: I’ve been looking into self-hypnosis, it seems pretty cool. You basicly get in a state where you easily communicate with your SC and you tell him you want to LD. Because it’s the SC that ultimately decides if you get lucid, right?

You can also try WILD, as rubiks_cube_man said. Since there the “only” challenge is not moving at all and staying conscious. Not much believing involved!

Stop doubting yourself. You can LD. You have. You will.
Never give up hope. Never.
Find something that works for you- there is one. You will find it.
Never give up hope.
You can do it. We have faith in you!

is it possible for someone to not be able to thu? :confused:

I have never heard of anyone not being able to LD. EAch person is different and has to find the technique that works best for them, but everyone can do it. Increasing dream recall is probably the best way to have an LD. The more you remember, the more likely it’ll happen. Coupling that with RCs (properly done of course) will essentially guarantee an LD for everyone. I’ve just mentioned LD to some people and the next day they came back to me and told me they had one without doing anything! It’s that easy!

Often, people just try too hard and need to take a break.

Just remember, you can do it and don’t let anything convince you otherwise. Sometimes people take years before their first one, but it always happens.

Thanks to everyone :hugs:

I’m sure I’ll be able to do it soon now, thanks for motivating me again :fly: . I’m taking a short break, because my first lucid dream didn’t require me to do anything, so I’m gonna try to replicate that :om:

Thanks again! :grouphug:

I’ll cross my fingers for you!

Thank you :hugs:

So I wonder if this business of saying, “If you think it won’t happen then it won’t. All you have to do is remain positive.” Is kind of counter-productive for some people.

It might be better just to say, keep practicing, take breaks every now and then so you can come back with renewed enthusiasm and vigor. Try different things and eventually it will happen.

I don’t think I was overly positive when I had my first few LD’s, but they cam after a few months of recording my dreams (and noting dream signs), trying different methods, reading different websites and generally just thinking about LDing a lot.