Worth writing down?

can anyone tell me if there is any good reason to write down boring dreams into your journal? last few nights i had some really dull dreams and didnt bother to write them down, but now i dont seem to be remembering as many. might be just bad luck or that they wasnt worth remembering but i just wanted to know, if you stop remembering dreams so easy when you stop writing them down?

Like any habit, slight deviations in writing down dreams will present themselves in the future more emphasized than you would have expected. Keep writing all dreams you can remember down, if not you will risk breaking the (good) habit.

at least for me, I find that I have to write down literally everything I’ve dreamt, literally as soon as I move from sleep. This morning, for instance, I remembered several things from my dreams, but by the time I had taken clothes out of the drawer, moved a few things around the room, and walked to the computer, I had forgotten all but one of the details I had meant to record. Write down everything you can remember, every bit helps, in my experience

In my opinion, all dreams, boring or not should be written down.

  1. Because they get you into the habit.

  2. Because although boring they could hold dreamsigns. Typically something that would make you say “Hey! That means i’m dreaming!” And the pattern may be included in boring dreams, just as much as exciting or strange dreams.

well i stoped havin such boring dreams now, but when i wake up unless i wake right from a dream i dont remember anything at all. then after afew minutes of thinking about it i remember whole dreams in detail.

I usually will keep a scrap notebook next to my bed. When I wake up in the morning I write quick notes for everything I can remember about my dreams, even if its just an image or sounds… smells, whatever.

While at work, if I recall anything else (this frequently happens) I slap some more notes down on a scrap of paper and then later on that night, before bed, I write all of the dreams down in greater detail. the scraps are enough to keep the dream in full memory and then I have the dreams from last night fresh in my mind right before I go to bed. I find that if I start to skip writing things down I do recall less of my dreams the next day.

Sometimes I also write down simple notes about the plot of my dreams because if I wake myself up fully to write down a dream, by the time I get back to sleep about 50 minutes will have passed and I will have a hard time getting back to sleep again. Sometimes this causes me to forget details (happened last night even), but it usually isn’t too bad. I would still reccomend getting up and writing them in their entirety if you go back to sleep easily or you don’t desperately need the sleep.

i dont bother with notes, when i remember dreams i write them down whole in the morning… dont normally have anything to rush up for :content:

Ah… well, I work at four or five in the morning so… I’m not willing to get up an hour early to write everything down in detail. the notes are working good for me… keeping the dream in mind until I have time to write in detail.