would an experienced dreamer help me one on one

hi all. i was just wondering if anybody who is experienced at lucid dreaming and/or out of body, would like to help me on a 1 to1 basis and guide me through different techniques.

p.s sorry if this is wrong of me to ask people for this kind of help

if this is possible i will give you details as to what i have learned so far and what i hope to achieve ect.

the reason i ask somebody for a 1 to 1 guidance is i feel i will be able to progress better.

Write down all the recurring themes in your dreams and keep telling yourself that when you find yourself in one of those situations, you’ll be dreaming.

Eat three or four ounces of any kind of nuts before bed.

Start going to bed an hour earlier than usual. Set your clock to wake yourself up after five hours. Get up for an hour and do chores, then go back to bed and get up at your normal time.

Your chances of having an LD during that second period of sleep will increase greatly.

But realize that lucid dreaming is all about light sleep. If you don’t have a tendency towrd insomnia, you’ll probably never have one. And insomnia isn’t especially fun.

Also, be aware that if your regular dreams tend to be unpleasant, then your lucid dreams will too.

i keep a DJ but as for recurring themes, i never seem to have recurrences, i tend to dream about whatever thoughts i take to bed with me.

i can do the nuts

i already do go to bed earlier and wake up early morning ( WBTB )

i have always been an insomniac. All my life i have been the last one asleep, sometimes i couldn’t sleep for 2 days at a time, ( i`ve heard that the more you sleep the better), ironically since starting to learn LD , i fall asleep alot easier,

as for being a light sleeper, my mind usually ticks over like im on full throttle, so one second im awake then the next im asleep, but i can wake up a lot better since i started practising LD techniques

and as for my dreams being unpleasant …not really, the unpleasant ones i do have i find i analyse these dreams more closely and find then (in a way) more enjoyable as well as disturbingly evil, (im not an evil person IRL). i just find that when im scared of something in my dreams it draws me closer

I’ve never experienced eating nuts before bed, but I think I will try that .This topic can be very helpful.

Please don’t listen to Arne on this. I’ve never suffered from insomnia (in fact I’ve always found it very easy to get to sleep and have a good night’s sleep) and over the years I’ve had many many LDs. There’s no reason to believe that only certain groups of people can have LDs.

I’ve never actually read anyone’s dream diary who has consistently unpleasant LDs. Most people find their first few LDs to be an amazing, wondrous and joy filled experience, and subsequent LDs to be fun and exciting. If someone does start to have unpleasant LDs, then there are ways of turning this around.

RODDERS790 - I’d be happy to give you some 1 to 1 help if you’d like, feel free to pm me with any questions.

That’s great. You’re exactly the kind of person I’m looking for. I’d like for you to do one of my tasks. Just PM me and I’ll send you one!

What I’m taking about is, do you ever dream you’re back in school? Or taking a test? Or being chased? Or driving a car with no steering or no breaks? Or that you’ve lost a tooth or discovered a cavity in a tooth?

Those are common dream themes, and there are many more. That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about learning to recognize.

The best advice I can give is always doubt that your awake. When you’re 100% sure you’re not dreaming, do an RC just to be certain. I know I’m convinced I’m awake and everything is normal in my dreams, so by keeping this mentality I’ve had a much easier time doing RCILD. When you begin to live life as if there’s always the possiblity that you’re not really awake, then the LD’s will begin to show.

P.S. I’m with Dreamer on this one. I’ve never had insomnia troubles and I don’t have any issues with LD. Also, when I set my alatm for 5 hours later, I don’t even get out of bed or do anything other than go back to sleep with the intention of LD. There is no set pattern for anyone to achieve LD’s; our minds are all different, and different things will work for different people. The only rule of thumb is that there is no true rule of thumb.

Just try what I said and see what happens, Rodders.

will do…but it seems a couple of things you have told me about lucid dreaming, is, to the majority… wrong. maybe you should be careful about what advice you give to beginners.

As soon as one of the guys who’s telling you not to listen to me does one of my very simple dreaming tasks, then you should listen to him.

nobody is telling me not to listen to you, i make my own assumptions, im not saying you are wrong either, (because i dont know anything about LD`ing.)

its just certain comments like if your not an insomniac you cant lucid dream and you cannot progress in lucid dreaming (different post) seems to go against common knowledge in LD`s and may put new members off thinking it will be impossible to them.

i listen to everybody that has more knowledge than me and i will listen to you aswell :cool:

I’ve had more that 2,000 lucid dreams, and I operate a Yahoo Group about lucid dreaming tasks with 131 members.

Now if I were you, that’s the person I’d listen to about this subject. Or you can listen to somone who tells you that you shouldn’t listen to me. If I were you, I know who I’d listen to about it. It would be an easy call.

fair enough, but you have already told me i cannot LD because i need to be a light sleeper (which i am far from), i was an insomniac but since learning LD i seem to be able to sleep any time of the day. so again i wouldn’t be able to LD, plus you said i cannot progress, so if that’s the case i cant LD now so how do i LD without progressing?
as i have said once i listen to EVERYBODY who has more knowledge than me, but only people who listen to me too.

so that being said how do i learn to LD with these barriers? ^^^^

I agree with dreamer, never had insomnia and within my first 8 months (with 3 month break from recording dreams etc) I’ve had around 15-20 lucid dreams (maybe more). No matter what your sleeping pattern is you CAN have lucid dreams.

So then why doesn’t everyone who tries to have them actually have them?

Everyone can’t have lucid dreams.

if a person has the ability to dream (which we all do) then surely everybody can learn to be aware of them -aka- lucid. no matter what