Ok, I know I’ve now started 3 topics in the 24 hours since I joined this forum but you guys seem to keep answering and that makes me happy
Ok, today I got this mild fever, headache and soar throat
Anyone got experience with LD-ing while sick? Could it be a good idea, or is it smarter to just try to recover?
Myself I find that my DR can increase while I’m ill, but the week afterwards it’s as low as it can get. But many people do indeed find that they have easier to get lucid if they are ill. I think it has something to do with the symptomes - One second my throat is soar and the next it’s completely normal… Hmm… Am I dreaming?
Ok, tried falling asleep with MILD but it didn’t work out, couldn’t really concentrate… I eventually fell asleep and started having some crazy fever-dreams where I kept changing shape, but it was all very abstract and difficult to explain. No LD, though…
I get vivid nightmares when I´m sick, especially with high temperature. I often wake up in those nights, it´s good for my dream recall but I can not remember that I got an LD through illness…
When I’m sick my dream recall\LDing ability is about the same as before the illness, but if I take any pain medications my LDing ability just disappears.
When I had the flu I seemed to be in a deeper sleep so therefore no LD’s. Of course it depends with what you’re afflicted with. I do know that various medications can squash your ability to dream altogether.