Would I be missing out?

Ive been trying to lucid dream so long I cant remember when I started… Ive tried EVERYTHING and the closesst ive ever gotten to and LD is knowing im dreaming in my dream but not having a Lucid dream because Im an idiot…So Im just wondering if I quit would I be missing out on any important or fun things? Because ive heared so many bad stories about LDing and I have to know if I should keep trying for another few years

If you realize it’s a dream, you are lucid. You’ve been trying way too hard and it’s stopping you from having them, man. What bad stories have you heard that can out-do all the cool stuff that can be done?

Woah Wolf do you sleep? ha ha ha I think ive seen Your name under the last post about a thousand times :tongue: but I have just tried quiting and not even thinking of LDing and the closest ive ever gotten was last night I could feel my body rising from the be but I wasnt moving then I was completely limp and paralyzed and It felt like my body was being streched into something but I ckept resisting cause I was so tired :confused:

Have you been keeping a DJ because if not maybe you have had an LD and not remebered it. Also WILD works best after WBTB because it takes a while to reach REM sleep right when you fall asleep. MILD is a good method to use at the beggining of the night to increase your chances.
But dont give up (one of the biggest factors is motivation so stay positive) LD and DR are two things that take some effort (more for others) but are worth it no matter what (in my opinion.

But if you beleive ANYTHING is possible then its possible That i just plain cannot have a lucid dream some peoples brains work differently than others I have too strong of a subconciounce to have an LD No matter how hard I try I cant get myself to do something I tell myself to Like, If I tell myself im going to wake up at 7 I will probly wake up at 10 or 11

I don’t wanna say you’ll be missing out because you still have your normal dreams. But, when you LD there is so much more you can do because you are in control–so far it sounds like your close–you can become conscious, after all. :wink: I don’t wanna say give up, but if you do, you still have daydreams–not quite the same as LD, not as elevated as an ND, but still something you can manipulate. :wink:

I personally dont believe thats true, although I know how it feels percieving yourself as powerless. :mirror: I think every one can LD and you said it in your firt post you have realiseds you are dreaming and thats all an LD is. So with enough effort, :om: proper sleep :clock: (I find if I dont sleep enough it ridiculously hard to LD), and finding a method thats effective for you.
YOU CAN LD! :woot:

Have you tried listening to mp3s to help you?

That is excactly what a lucid dream is. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by that, so my best advice is to stop trying and just let yourself dream normally.

Maybe if you stop trying and just don’t think about it for a while, it’ll come.
I’ve given up a few times, and every time it has resulted in a few nights of vivid dreams and even LD’s.