Would it be possible to listen to music in an lucid dream?

What I mean is that, if you focused hard enough, would it be possible to somehow change the sense of sound in your dream so that you can only hear 1 piece of music? A scenario I was imagining this happening in is that you meet a video game or movie DC, and they have some kind of theme IRL, and you want to make the scene more realistic, so you mentally play their theme in your head, but since it is an LD, the sound would sound as though it’s real.

Would it sound exactly the same as if you listened to it on a CD in real life, or would your brain forget what it sounds like and have to make some of it up? Do you think your subconscious mind would somehow know what it sounds like off by heart?

That’s just a little idea I have had, but since I don’t regularly LD like other people on here, I can’t easily test it out. Maybe someone else on the forum could do me a favour?

Thanks :content:

I’d imagine anything’s possible in the dream. :wink: A good measure as to whether or not you could recreate it in the dream is if you can recreate it while awake. Can you… mentalize? the song? As in, hear it in your head while awake?

This is one of my principal interest in LD, what do you think about create a concert with all your favourite music? :music:

That’s actually a good idea! That way, maybe your brain will understand why you’re hearing music, instead of being confused why you can just hear it echoing inside your head :nuu:

In my dreams I always hear music from the sky, and when I want to change it, I just imagine a small “next” button in front of me, I push it and the song changes. Haven’t figured out how to make a playlist yet, but the songs I fully remember are usually the songs that I really like.

Sometime I imagine a radio in my dreams and tune to any station. You will probably be able to hear music if you do that. : )