Okay. I learned about LDs in July, had 2 in a week at the beginning of August, it’s been about 7 weeks but nothing! Getting kind of frustrated.
Anyway, I’ve tried WILD but it doesn’t seem to work. I read the post on how you can get your body to fall asleep but not your mind. I can lay in bed for an hour or so and be practically motionless after about 15-20 minutes. Still nothing will happen. I can feel a lack of feeling at certain parts of my body, especially my hands, where it seems like they’re almost floating in a sense. Sometimes I get the falling feeling, but something always drags me out of it back to a deeply relaxed state. I’ve tried counting, I’ve tried stairs, I’ve tried numerous visualizations, but nothings working. Sometimes I feel like I’m starting to fall asleep, but as soon as I realize it I’m brought back.
The only way I can fall asleep is if I surrender to it, deciding to stop trying to WILD and just let go. Is there something I’m doing wrong? Is there something I’m not doing? I’ve felt some vibrations once that I’m pretty sure were signs that I was getting close, but I’ve never gone into SP and for the life of me I can’t figure out why.
hmm…this is your first time to try LDs, correct? Well, your starting too hard. If you try too hard to do something, it’s not going to happen. Go slow. I recommend the following 3 options:
Perform reality checks throughout your day at least 15-20 times. This way, you will do them in your dreams more frequently, causing you to become lucid.
Try the Hand Method. It’s called some weird C Name like Castenida or something…I always forget. Anyways, all you really do is try and see your hands in your sleep. Before you go to bed, you concentrate real hard on your hands and tell yourself you will see them the next time you dream. This is what got me out of my dryspell in august. one night in my dreams, I just looked at my hands and saw 10 fingers on each hand, and I realized I was dreaming.
Stop trying completely. Let Lucid Dreaming go for about a week or two. You will either:
-Have a LD naturally
-Not have one
After a few weeks, start trying it again, but don’t be too hard on yourself.
Seems like you are stressing yourself to get this done. Just relax. Or as one says…Chill.
Also, when trying various methods as you have listed, try one for about 2 weeks. Don’t give up after the first couple of nights.
Also, do not even think about starting LDing with WILD at first. WILD is hard. Probably the hardest. Start low such as the Hand Tech, RCs, and MILD. WILD should be on of your last methods [ That is, after you have had a few LDs ]
Don’t worry, in no time, you will have your LD. And it’s gunna kick @$$!!! Good Luck!
WILD is a very good technique but it takes a lot of practice to master, you’re unlikely to get instant results.
The difficulty with this method is that unless you are an experienced lucid dreamer, the crossover point into dreaming usually causes you to become excited about what is happening. This excitement usually makes you snap straight back into wakefullness, and this can happen again and again.
I don’t want to put you off using this method (because it can be such a great way to enter a lucid dream), but if I can offer some advice, I would suggest that you concentrate at first on using the MILD method. Once you have had a few lucid dreams using this method you will then find it much easier to use the WILD technique as you will know what to expect and will not be so apprehensive.
Many people don’t really know how to use MILD properly, so if you haven’t already, I would really recommend reading “Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming” by Stephen Laberge. This will tell you in great detail how to get the most from this method. Practice all the excercises (including the ones that seem boring and pointless - they are all important) and if you do, you WILL find that you have lucid dreams (It can take some time though so stick with it).
With any method you use you will (probably) not get results straight away - it takes time and effort to get lucid dreaming into your subconscious mind.
Hope this helps,
PS. If you really want to learn the WILD method I would recommend reading a book by Marc VanDekeere, which is available from his website( consciousdreaming.com/lucid- … m-main.htm) for about $10. This book will give you the best technique for using WILD. I’d really recommend it.
This is the hardest part to understand. The problem in my opinion is thinking too much. When you are counting, visualizing, paying attention to your breathing or what ever technique you use. You want to be aware of what you are focusing on but, you don’t want to think about them.
Also when I go to sleep I like to at least put my self into a state of alert relaxation first.
Here is a simple alert relaxation technique you can use:
Step 1: lay in bed and get comfortable. Close your eyes. Gently take a long slow deep breath through your nose (you should feel your stomach rise not your lungs.) Count silently to 4 then gently and slowly exhale through your mouth. Do that 2-3 times. Now turn your attention to your right arm. Tighten your right arm and again inhale as above count to 4 and as you exhale release the tension in your right feel it relaxing. Do the same thing with your left arm. Then do the same with both arms and finally do the same thing with your hole body. (Your body may feel heavy and relaxed at this point and may even feel a little tingly)
Step 2: at this point you should ignore your breathing. Let your breath find it’s own pace naturally. Turn your attention to your toes imagine that a wave of blue mental energy is forming at your toes feel the energy relaxing all the muscles in your toes. Then the energy moving up to your ankles and now imagine your feet are relaxing. Now move the energy up to your shins, then thighs, abdomen, and chest. Then imagine the energy moving down your arms all the way to the tips of your fingers. Now imagine the energy will move back up your arms to your shoulders, then to your neck, and the top of your head, finally imagine that the energy is leaving the top of your head taking with it all your tension, fears and anxiety with it. Take a moment and enjoy the relaxation.
Now you should be very relaxed
From here you can use what ever technique you are practicing with MILD or WILD.
As you begin to fall asleep you may experience lots of strange things. I am sure you have already read about them so, I am not going to list them here. The thing that is important is that you ignore these things and let go of all other thoughts except what you are focusing on. The only way I found to get through the hypnogia is to:
keep letting go of your thoughts and your awareness.
Stay aware but don’t think about what you are focusing on.
Just allow things to happen don’t try to force anything.
I can sympathise amethyst. I think this site is brillaint and love reading other peoples experiences and advice, But it can be frustrating to think you have cracked it and then go through a dry spell.
Especially when you see other posters having 4,5,+, LD’s a month, you can think “What am i doing wrong?, Why can’t I have that many?”
The only time ive had 2 LD’s in a week I had a very barren time after because I think I got too excited about it.
Ive stopped trying WILD because i HATE SP.
So my advice would be the same as others, relax and keep doing the RC’s through the day, try WBTB, and just enjoy the LD’s you get because i know what its like not to have one for ages.
Amethyst when i wild i never think, i stop thoughts right away, i do that by just making my awareness and breathing out as one!
thats also important in self hypnosis and trance and meditation, Breathing out is the same as letting go. Put your hands on your stomach or on the plexus solaris…right hand on the plexus is best. then when you breathe out also the weight of your hands help to breathe out and u feel all muscles relax.
Indeed lol it begins with 20 min laying, then it just starts
Also not all ppl will be able to wild.
Still u could try to find your way or your personal style to do it.
And if wild isnt working for you i would try mild or other techs to get a ld!
As jeff said, meditation is good for doing WILD. If you have any interested in meditation or self hypnosis I highly suggest you explore it. It is not required to do WILD but, it can give you an extra edge.
I highly recommend keep on trying. I failed a few times and realized I just needed to wait longer and be totally patient. I believe it took about 30~40 minutes before I finally fell into the full WILD and LD state. Just dont try too hard. Just relax, ignore all the sounds around you and don’t move your body at all. Good luck.