wow. Have not done that before.

in a dream other day, I dream that I have obe 0.o

I know was dream and not actually obe, because someone could see me, and actually try to grab my leg when i try to leave.

What is this?

A dream about an obe i would say!
like you also can dream about dying etc or about being lucid or falling a sleep.

i have had such dreams…also about being into trance or selfhypnosis doing yoga or meditation. In a dream you can experience all and dream about all, so why not dream about obe!


@.@ confuse me because when I was dream, I was in my room and person tried to grab my foot after argument and I say “hey! I finally OBE! Let go of me!” and I jump out window, but he grab my leg and I can’t go.

What obvious dreamsign! Felt so stupid!

By the way Jeff, likey you penguin. Is cute. ^.^

Thx Trung :happy: yeah its a funny pinguin.

Well dont feel to stupid…if you had everyday such dreams and not c through them, maybe you could feel stupid…but now its just the conscious part of you that doesnt have enough recognision to go for so far.

How is lucid dreaming so far? :smile:


oh is going so so much better than before! I broke dry spell, but haven’t had one since the night I brake dry spell with three lds -.- ^.^

How goes for yoU?