The last three weeks since i started researching LD’s i have had 1 and a bit of an LD. Last night I had TWO!! It was excellent. I used the WBTB method. IT took me about an hour to go back to sleep but it was worth it.
I woke up washed my face and ate some cheese. Stayed up for 60 minutes.
When i went back to sleep I eralized i was dreaming before I was fully asleep. I rode it out for a while then BAM! fully Lucid. Wow. It was great. I went to the top of a hill and tried to fly. I could only jump really high then fall and roll down the hill. Still fun though. When I got to the bottom i decided to try and control the whether. When I thought about this, the clouds started to roll in. One turned into a dragon. Instead of running (or jumping away I started to talk to him. He was so Friendly. I asked him if he could show me how to fly. He was much abliged, but I woke up.
Then I fell back asleep again to try and go into it again. Soon later I awoke in my dream. It was dark outside which was strange because it should have been light by then. I got out of bed and tried to turn on my light. It wouldnt go on. Wait a minute…BAM! Lucid again. It was so exciting because for a while i wasnt even sure if i was dreaming or reality. WOW!! Anywho, i manage to make the sun rise a little and I went outside and perfected my flying skills. what a rush. I showed off a bit then went and opened peoples doors of there home to see what was there.
What a blast. It probably seems boring but it was one of the greatest experiences ever. I hope to be Lucid again soon.