WOW, this LD stuff so cool :D


I only have known about lucid dreams for about 3 days now , well i always knew they existed but i only found out that someone could bring them about on purpose a few days ago , since then i have immersed myself in LD Science and practiced DR, WBTB and MILD every night , i was amazed that by merely willing myself to remember my dreams worked ( im still find it very hard to remember them though ,but im remembering more dreams than ever before, also i having trouble falling back too sleep after WBTB) and only on my second night i remembered a dream about LDing although it was not a LD LOL.

Anyway last night i did a WBTB i woke up and could not remember any dreams, so i went to sleep doing MILD thinking of a previous dream ,i know i did not LD but when i woke up a while later i remembered just having an extremely Vivid dream. So i decided to try again and go back to sleep thinking of that dream i just had and doing some MILD, so i was having my dream , then in my dream i was standing on a bridge and below me there was my friend who was very very angry :grrr: at me i mean extremely psychotically angry!!! :grrr: :grrr: :grrr: Then he started to transform into a some kind of mutant vampire :eek: and he was climbing the pipe of the bridge to come and get me :help: , now i remember starting to panic, but then i found myself saying , " wait a second , this is a dream" than i instantly woke up.

So i guess that qualifies as a LD if only a LD for half a second, but im wondering why i woke up so fast, i had no time to get exited or even contemplate that i was in a dream, so i don’t get why i woke up instantly as soon i said the word “dream”?

Incidentally it was really cool waking up and having the logic part of my brain fully lucid , and easily able to remember the whole dream :happy:
So i guess that’s good having a LD in only 3 days of trying ‘<:)’

:lucid: Good job! I actually just had the same problem last night with waking up right after realizing I was in a dream. But hey, Lucid is lucid.

That’s an awesome start! Also, :welcome: to LD4all!

This is a common problem at beginners.
That’s what happened when I first got lucid.
But with time, I gained the ability to control my feelings.
In my next lucid dream, I reduced the excitement, and stayed lucid for a long time.

Next time you get lucid, quickly do something. Most people would rub their hands at that point, cause it really helps.I automatically say :’’ No, I want to stay in the dream’’ or something like that when the dream starts to fade.

I hope this helped.

Yea, i knew i should do something like that when i gain lucidity , but i has no time, lol
I guess though i did say " wait a second , this is a dream" that took 3 or 4 seconds to say so i guess maybe that was 3 or 4 seconds of being exited. and enough time to realize what was going on and wake up :tongue:

That has happened to me a couple of times too, but with practice it will get better :smile: Congratulations on your first LD, I agree that this stuff is really cool :smile:

Next time you think you’re dreaming look at your hands, and try to see as much detail as possible. Also do this in real life, when odd events occur, so it becomes a habbit, you’ll notice when dreaming or not aswell.