I only have known about lucid dreams for about 3 days now , well i always knew they existed but i only found out that someone could bring them about on purpose a few days ago , since then i have immersed myself in LD Science and practiced DR, WBTB and MILD every night , i was amazed that by merely willing myself to remember my dreams worked ( im still find it very hard to remember them though ,but im remembering more dreams than ever before, also i having trouble falling back too sleep after WBTB) and only on my second night i remembered a dream about LDing although it was not a LD LOL.
Anyway last night i did a WBTB i woke up and could not remember any dreams, so i went to sleep doing MILD thinking of a previous dream ,i know i did not LD but when i woke up a while later i remembered just having an extremely Vivid dream. So i decided to try again and go back to sleep thinking of that dream i just had and doing some MILD, so i was having my dream , then in my dream i was standing on a bridge and below me there was my friend who was very very angry at me i mean extremely psychotically angry!!! Then he started to transform into a some kind of mutant vampire and he was climbing the pipe of the bridge to come and get me , now i remember starting to panic, but then i found myself saying , " wait a second , this is a dream" than i instantly woke up.
So i guess that qualifies as a LD if only a LD for half a second, but im wondering why i woke up so fast, i had no time to get exited or even contemplate that i was in a dream, so i don’t get why i woke up instantly as soon i said the word “dream”?
Incidentally it was really cool waking up and having the logic part of my brain fully lucid , and easily able to remember the whole dream
So i guess that’s good having a LD in only 3 days of trying ‘<:)’