Okay, here’s a method which is almost guarantied to work!!! Get a black marker, or a marker of your favorite color, and write LD in big letters right between your eyes, and a little above your nose. Go to sleep, and you’ll have an LD!!!
hmm. I’m going to try that for the hell of it, placebo effect please.
If it doesn’t work I will next time use nails as part of the PILD method.
Nails? Ouch, we’re feeling brave today!
I don’t know about this, I don’t see how doing it could help…But then again, how could it hurt?
And make sure it’s a permanent marker… those washable ones don’t work.
Yes and it even works better if you visit alot of crowded areas especially with people you know…and if they start asking questions, don’t tell them about LD becouse they might think your crazy, just make something up.
Yes true, and i found out it worked even more amazingly if, when you are standing in this crowd of people, you start talking like Arnold Schwarzenegger and at the same time make obscene gestures with your left hand while upholding a piece of paper in the right hand with the the following written on it “The world is gonna end tomorrow, donate all your toiletpaper to the Egyptians”
ok sorry just had to make fun of this…
I would give this a try, but it might stain the pillow, and permanent marker won’t rub off in the morning
lol you give me an idea hehe…its the place of the third eye chakra, what about an ointment that makes the bloodflow circulate like hell at the third eye chakra?
Shall try this soon…but what ointment shall i try for this mmm?
Insane_goth hmmm pild and nails…your a real nice person to date i guess
lol but i really had to laugh there.lol…pild and nails…really creative mind you got!
Xetrov do egyptians need toiletpaper? Of course with Arnolds handwriting on it…I’ll be back!
i am a nice person, with a twisted and somewhat insane mind.
was thinking if you DID write LD on your head when you wake up it might work. Because everytime you passed something reflective you would glimpse at it. It would be like a subliminal thing.
Yeah i was thinking the same here Insane_goth!
Lol to make a little fun…whats next accupuncture for lds lol?
Needles in our body
Try smearing some tiger balm on the thir eye and you may be up for some instant chakra viagra…
What’s tiger balm and where do you get it?
To obtain tiger balm visit you local zoo and when no one is looking just squeeze a tiger in the nuts…uhm well actually you can read about it here:
tiger balm is a minty balm you can get at health food stores and homeopathic shops and any sort of new age kinda place. you might be able to get some at a regular pharmacy - if you’re going to put it on your third eye be really careful not to get it in your first two, cause that would burn like the dickens
Tiger balm is for when you have muscle stress and pain after sport and training. It activates the blood circulation…only the smell is terrible lol and it gives stains at your pillow.