WTF... was this?!

I’ve never heard of any experiences like this, I’ll try focusing on WILD tonight and see if I have anything, I’ll post back here If anything interesting happens

Damn, dude! You can do WILD with no problems! Try it out when you go to sleep and maybe you’ll go lucid in no time! :content:

Yes, I have the orgasm feeling every time I WILD, I just didn’t explain it that well :happy: it’s like the whole world is shaking.

If only that were true. I’ve been trying wild for months with no success. I can get my foot on the border of dreaming, but I can’t put my foot across for some reason. I’ll get it eventually.

I have just read it again and realised this exact SAME thing happens to me.

I do it by simply lying in bed and closing my eyes. I don’t even have to be sleepy. If I don’t move anything for a few minutes, I feel some kind of vibration, first my legs, but then it really seems to explode in my head, like these waves of intense vibration. Then my whole body slowly goes limp and I get the hypnogogics and get the feeling that the bed’s tilted over and I’m falling off of it :happy: I’ve never gotten past this stage, but I assume this is WILD.

I can do it any time, any where. :smile:

That is a WILD, cuz I do that almost every night, although It takes me about 10 minutes, and that’s when I’m really tired or just woke up. I only got into a dream once, or twice. It take practice, but once you can do it good, you can do it over and over again.

Can you all post your expereiences with this. What was going through your head and what you felt and saw. What were you trying to do and everything. What was your state of mind at the time. I’d like to see how you all do it so that I may replicate the experience.
I’ve been trying to do this again but I can’t get as far as I did that one time. Maybe it was my state of mind that allowed me to do it but I can’t remember what that state of mind was.

Well, to do that, I simply lie down somewhere and close my eyes. I have to be a little bit tired, but not very much.

I close my eyes and try to not move. Then I focus intensely on an object, like the Stargate :happy:. Or you don’t have to focus, just try to not fall asleep (if you’re sleepy). Otherwise, simply wait with your eyes closed.

Soon, I start to get a tingling sensation in my feet, and I am excited about this. Then, this sensation simply bursts suddenly into my whole body, and I get the sensation that I’m losing balance, or getting dizzy. My vision, even though my eyes are closed, seems to shake. This is the orgasm thing you described, I think :happy: I don’t always get it. Others describe it as “vibrations”.

If you don’t get scared by this (It’s just paralysis) just wait for it to envelop you and lose contact with the exterior. You will feel lighter and lighter and either go flying away out of your body, which I hope I don’t get (OBE) or slip into your dream.

I almost had one of these. After just being trapped in my mind with no control over my body, I felt the bed tilt over and that I’m falling off of it.

oh, btw, you also get psychedelic images, which is cool.

This is my experience, and by the way, telekinesis is real, and I’ve had an OBE. Read the first page of my DJ

Ok first off I lie down, and don’t move. I breathe easy, and deep. Then I space them. Yawning will come, but after words you are breathing deeply, and slowly, while I breathe, I relax everything. I can actually feel my body sinking in the bed.

Then I pretend I’m in a tunnel, and instead of walking I’m going through it with my mind. Which sounds stupid. After a while I get really concentrated, and I’m going fast, and I can actually see a tunnel, and see details. Soon, this sounds weird, but instead of looking into darkness, I felt, and saw darkness all around me.

So here I am going through a tunnel, and my body is vibrating, then I guess it gets numb because I can’t feel my limbs. I can move, but I don’t, so I don’t know if I can move or not, then I reach white at the tunnel. This is where I usually wake up. But once I stayed. I’m not joking I thought it was a flashlight in my eye. Then there were shapes. They became objects, I was there, but I didn’t move afraid too. Scared I would actually move my real body. So I stood and watched objects take shapes. After a few minutes I studied them, I would think of a car, and they would turn into a vanilla colored car shape, no details. It continued like that until I for some reason woke up.

Happy Dreaming,

I failed when I tried this, I sat in bed focusing on staying concious and then once I got bored I opened my eyes and it had already been 45 minutes, this just keeps me awake so I guess WILD won’t be a successful method for me any time soon

I have gotten vibrations before. Really really intense vibrations, but that “orgasm” thing was unqiue. It was like a wave of warmth flowing through my body.

Not really. I found that if I try to “walk” around in the images I see in my head, I lose focus and fall asleep, so I usually just glide around as if I was in spectator mode in counter-strike or sumthing.

I tried quickly with a combination of sulfer and copper. Something went into my forehead, then dispersed.

Does that acutally work? I just thougt it was a placebo effect or something your mind made up…